Thursday, July 19, 2018

New England Shore Trekkers Ferry to Block Island

It is Wednesday my dudes. We awoke to the sound of Julie's voice echoing throughout the campground like the sound of a thousand angels. After a scrumptious breakfast consisting of the finest Quaker granola bars Stop and Shop has to offer, we set off on our bikes to bond with one another and discover ourselves. Despite a few bumps along the way, including the author of this post getting a flat tire, his hair soaked with sweat, we all made it to lunch safely, where we gorged on a feast of cold cuts and goldfish all the while surrounded by the splendor of the Stop and Shop parking lot. We then biked 5 strenuous miles to the ferry, which we rode to the shores of Block Island. We pitched our tents in a campground clearing of low lying trees, where I now write this post. After dinner we biked to town, swam in the ocean, ate Ben and Jerry's, and biked back.
-Trekker Octavio