Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Maine Coast Trekkers Cycle Through Southeastern Maine
After another wholesome oatmeal breakfast, we rode up the beautiful New Hampshire coast. We ate lunch in downtown Portsmouth before crossing the bridge and into Maine. New Hampshire went by fast! In Maine we swam in the cold beach before pulling into camp for the night. Excited for Portland tomorrow!
NY-Montreal Trekkers Relax on Lake George
Today our group continued their journey north towards Lake George. We started our morning just north of Saratoga Springs at Moreau Lake State Park. Our group biked safely on the road for a bit then after passing through Glens Falls, linked up with a very nice bike trail.
The Warren County Bikeway brought us right into the heart of the village of Lake George. Once arrived we had lunch then some of us went swimming or read and relaxed on the beach.
Two ambitious trekkers Ethan and Colin and leader Elliott, biked to the top of Prospect Mountain. After enjoying the sights it had to offer they coasted down and enjoyed some dinner.
The evening consisted of a well prepared meal and some smores over the open campfire. Now it's time to test for another day of biking tomorrow.
Wild Waterworks Tops a Scenic Day Cycling for the Niagara-Toronto Trekkers
We started off the day eating reptiles (dinosaur egg oatmeal) before heading out to the next big town- Hamilton, Ontario. Over hills and through woods we biked, honing our marshmallow catching skills along the way. With Toronto in sight on the other side of Lake Ontario, we dropped down into town, with waterpark slides on the mind. We passed through town (of course we stopped at another Tims [Tim Hortons]) and biked on a beautiful path alongside the lake. We sped up as the waterpark came into sight- the lazy river was calling our names. After joyful hours in the park, we camped nearby in a quiet park as we repacked panniers, snacked and watched the sunset. We're excited to continue our trek tomorrow!
Ryan- Yael thinks she's funny (she is)
Austin- Love you Mom!
Jessie- Hey lu and gen
Dylan- "I don't know"
Dan- Unlocked bathrooms with TP are the best kind of bathrooms
Monday, July 30, 2018
50 Mile Biking Day Out of Albany for the NY-Montreal Trekkers
After our last delicious breakfast at the Holiday Inn Express, we headed out of Albany after a packed two days of activities. With a 50-mile day ahead of us, we ticked off mileage in the morning, enjoying car-free bike routes that offered much appreciated shade. After a delicious lunch of rotisserie chicken, cheese and crackers, apples, and more, we headed to a nearby state park. At the park in Saratoga Springs, we took a quick dip in the water and enjoyed a break off of our bikes. Finishing out the biking for the day, we headed to Moreau Lake State Park where we are camping tonight. We concluded the day with racing around a nearby loop, enjoying our unweighted bikes, and wound down with a few rounds of cards.
Niagara-Toronto Trekkers Bike From Niagara Falls to Balls Falls
The Niagara Toronto Trekkers left the Niagara Falls Hostel in good time this morning after a breakfast combination of our food and the hostel breakfast items..
Austin and Jessie where assigned as points, to read the maps and get us to our days destination. .
The crew rolled out looking for as many Tim Hortons as they could possibly find. A rule was set that we could stop at every 3rd location. It didn't take but a mile or two to locate the first Tim Hortons. 6 donuts where purchased and downed.
We found an open bike store who sold us a few things we needed but were advised of a store just a 1/4 mile further that had everything we needed, even a guy who diagnosed Ryan's bike computer problem getting it working.
We headed for the grocery store buying lunch dinner and breakfast and then cycled to the Welland Canal Museum to have lunch on the side lawn. Just as we finished lunch an ocean freighter moved in the lock and we ran over to see it. A few of us then wandered through the museum and then we headed onward.

We found Tim Hortons number 6 and consumed another 6 donuts and small drinks of the Trekkers choices. Once at the Balls Falls campground a camp fire was made to roast the hot dogs to each trekkers liking on wooden sticks. Then we moved onto smores. Bed followed as morning arrives soon after a day of biking.
Tomorrow we end our day at a water park. I'm sure tomorrow will bring more laughter and possibly a baseball game with the tennis balls and a wooden stick bat.
Maine Coast Trekkers Breeze Through New Hampshire
Today we biked 36 miles. We had a lot of fun hopping between New Hampshire and Massachusetts. We had fun at the beach. Spencer didn't want to go into the water but Julian and I convinced him. When we arrived at the campsite, we split into two groups. Sammy, Justin, Keya, and Shelter stayed at the campsite to set up the tents and figure out where everything was. Julian, Spencer, Melina, and I went to the grocery store where we bought burgers. We had a delicious dinner. The burgers were great, and the salad was awesome. After dinner we went to a playground where we made some new friends. We came back to camp for dessert. We bought an apple pie and a cheesecake, only to find out that they were frozen.
Written by trekker Sean
Sunday, July 29, 2018
A Restful Day in Albany for the NY- Montreal Trekkers
The seven of us woke up in Albany after a restful night in real beds at the Holiday Inn Express! We started out our full day in Albany by strolling across the Empire State Plaza, taking in sights of the beautiful Capitol building, reflective pools, and unique sculptures. We then spent the rest of the morning exploring the New York State Museum, with exhibits on the history of NYC, the prehistoric landscape of NY, early fire engines, and more. Hungry for lunch, we ate at an authentic Mexican joint then spent the afternoon in Washington Park, playing soccer, frisbee, and relaxing on the grass. After a quick swim back at the hotel, we headed out for dinner at a soul food restaurant, then headed back to the hotel and got back into our cozy beds to get some rest before a long day of biking tomorrow.
Fond Good-Byes for All on the Pacific Northwest Trek
The invigorating, exciting, yet strenuous two week bike tour of the beautiful Pacific Northwest ended just as it began; at the Green Tortoise Hostel of the infamous Emerald City. One could argue the final day was most enjoyable as the group enjoyed not one, but two delicious ethnic meals in Seattle. This was to be followed by a lounge in the park overlooking the vast mountain - scape and a viewing of the Seattle Torchlight parade.
It was a very bittersweet moment for all, as we turned the corner of 1st Ave, arriving at the final hostel; thus concluding our 450 mile international bike trek.
I write this blog now sitting in the Sea/Tac Airport reminiscent of the wonderful and memorable past few weeks spent with Teen Treks. While I'm not sure I can ever look at a bicycle the same way, each time haunted by the torturous but rewarding 13 mile climb up to Hurricane Ridge, I acknowledge that these have been some of the most enjoyable days I've had and I'm certain I'll miss it and everyone; should I ever return back to civilization.
- written by Trekker Noah
Maine Coast Trekkers Enjoy Gloucester and the Massachusetts Coast
Today, we biked from Andover to Gloucester! We took in some scenic Massachusetts views along the way. Due to some broken glass along the way, we had to go to a bike shop in topsfield! Which prompted a cozy lunch with a nice dog named Lucille. We continued on to our campsite where we made tacos, a fire, and Smores then settled in for bed!
Inside & Outside Niagara Falls for the Niagara-Toronto Trekkers
Today we saw Niagara Falls from the top, bottom, inside, outside, close up and far away. Shout out to Maid of the Mist for giving us an up close and personal experience with the world's largest Horseshoe (aka the Niagara side of the Falls). With cool new ponchos in hand, we then ventured to Goat Island before heading north for a hike down to Devils Hole. With Jessie and Austin in the lead, we scrambled down stairs and over rocks, and relaxed on the side of the trail next to the Niagara River. After our hike, we crossed back into Canada to cook a scrumptious dinner in the hostel. Ryan and Dylan led the cooking crew with enough grilled cheese, hamburgers and salad for days. We're excited to continue our adventure towards Toronto tomorrow!
Saturday, July 28, 2018
Pacific Northwest Trekkers Enjoy Their Final Days on the Picturesque Puget Sound
We pumped up tires, packed food and belongings and headed out of Fort Townsend State Park towards our last camping spot for the trip at Kitsap Memorial State Park.
It was about a 25-mile day, headed east, through long, hilly roads. Eventually we crossed over the bridge and arrived at our destination late afternoon.
Having early evening free, we were able to hang out at the beach, take naps, swim, read and relax all before it was time to make dinner.
Delicious campside burritos filled our stomachs for dinner, and dessert was had down by the beach over a beautiful sunset with the mountainous scene in the background. It was almost like starring into a painting!
Tomorrow we will head to Seattle early in the morning, one last day of biking, a ferry ride and packing up bikes before we share a big meal together!
Maine Coast Trekkers Enjoy Historic Lowell
Today our journey to Bar Harbor began! After riding the commuter rail north of Boston to Lowell, the group got to know each other while exploring the historic sites in the birthplace of the American Industrial Revolution. We ate delicious sandwiches before biking 15 miles to our first campground of the trip. Everyone is riding confidently and excited to see the ocean tomorrow in Gloucester!
NY-Montreal Trekkers Reach Albany!
Last night we camped at the historic Ice House in Newton Hook. While camping, we enjoyed a sunset swim and dry night under the stars.
We set out in the morning on our path to Albany. Our journey consisted of roller coaster like twist, turns, and hills. We stopped halfway for a snack and to refill our bottles at Schodack Island State Park. We also stopped at a farm stand and enjoyed fresh peaches and zucchini bread.
In Albany we took a tour of the magnificent New York State Capital Building. Then we walked across the Albany Mall to the Observation Floor in a nearby skyscraper. Our day was concluded with luxurious beds, showers, and a pool at the Albany Holiday Inn Express.
Awesome Niagara Falls Highlights the Day for the Niagara-Toronto Trekkers
Today the Teen Treks group cycled from Buffalo to Niagara Falls Canada along the beautiful Niagara Parkway. During one of our stops we watched a guy dress into his diving suit and found out that he dives for 30 + minutes being carried by the river current and gets picked out down river. We found a scenic spot along the river for a picnic lunch and then continued our ride to Niagara Falls. We visited the famous Horseshoe Falls and all got Tim Hortons donuts. For some of us it was their first Tim Hortons donut. We biked to the Niagara Falls Hostel and food committee cooked a wonderful dinner of pasta, chicken, and green beans with garlic. Dessert was double chocolate chips cookies. This evening we rode back to the falls for the fireworks show and to view falls which they light up each night in different colors. Tomorrow we are looking forward to the Maid of the Mist and a dynamic hike along the lower Niagara Gorge.
Friday, July 27, 2018
Maine Coast Trek Begins in Boston
Eight excited Trekkers and Trip Leaders Isabel & Ben met early today to begin their 16 day, 400+ mile ride north through Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine. To bypass riding through Boston streets the group took an MTA train to Lowell, MA. There they will get to know one another, talk about bike safety before exploring this city's Industrial Revolution past. Finally they will bike 15 miles to their campsite at Harold Parker State Forest.
Niagara-Toronto Trekkers Begin Their 10 Day Adventure!
Teens and parents met at beautiful Front Park overlooking the mouth of the Niagara River to begin the 150+ mile bike ride to Toronto, Ontario. The trip includes 2 days in Niagara Falls where the Trekkers will see the mighty Niagara roar from multiple viewpoints and venues, including the Maid of the Mist and a hike at the Niagara Whirlpool. As they head north they will bike alongside the huge lake freighters on the Welland Canal and overnight at picturesque Balls Falls and Bronte Provincial Park. The Trekkers will spend 3 days in Toronto to visit Chinatown, great art museums, the beautiful waterfront and the Toronto Beaches. Finally a bus will bring them to Buffalo, NY for their last day of cycling around the Queen City.
Pacific Northwest Trekkers Enjoying Their Final Days Together
As we inch closer to our final days together, exploring the Pacific Northwest, there are still beautiful sights to see and special moments to have.
Today, was just that. We left Sequim Bay State Park after a warm bowl of oatmeal and a beaming sunrise over the bay.
Reminders of our evening swim the night before left a fond memory as our bikes turned out of the park and continued our journey through the Olympic Peninsula.
We followed the Olympic Discovery Trail, a calm gravel trail with a scenic view of the Puget Sound by our side throughout the ride.
We met some nice people at the local grocery store/bike shop during our quick lunch break, and then headed into the hilly journey to our campsite for the night at Fort Townsend State Park.
Since we arrived early, we set up tents in our cozy section of the forest, ditched our panniers and headed into the old city of Port Townsend to explore and eat dinner.
Luckily, it was Thursday, which meant live music downtown near the pier. With an eclectic mixture of Mexican food, pizza and barbecue, we all gathered take-out and picnicked in the grass while listening to folky tunes and watching sailboats cruise by in the setting sun.
The night ended with a full moon, a beachside sing-a-long, and a few determined swimmers braving the chilly Sound.
With only two days left, we plan to squeeze in every adventurous moment and enjoy the quality time we have left to share together.
NY-Montreal Trekkers Enjoying Cycling, Farms, Swimming, and Pizza
Leaving Norrie Park, this morning we started our 40+ mile bike up to Newton Hook. The rain finally clearing, we enjoyed a beautiful ride up Route 9, stopping along the way for lunch and wading in a creek. The highlight of the day was stopping by Meisner’s Heritage Farm store and munching on fresh peaches, homemade fudge, and cookies described by one Trekker as “circles of heaven.” We finished off the day at a local pizzeria and with a refreshing swim, enjoying our night in tents before we head off to Albany tomorrow.
Thursday, July 26, 2018
Pacific Northwest Trekkers Enjoying the Natural Beauty of Northern Washington
We biked from Heart o' the Hills campground to Sequim Bay State Park. The group enjoyed learning about local marine life at the aquarium in Port Angeles. It was interesting to see how the vegetation changed from temperate rainforest to a more dry desert like landscape as we got closer to Sequim. The Olympic Mountains block much of the perception in Sequim. We even saw a bald eagle!
European Grand Tour Trekkers Highlight Their Awesome Adventure!
Our last day! We spent our time in Regents Park and Hyde Park, then biked around the city on London’s “cycle superhighway.” We talked about highlights of our trip and what we’ve learned about ourselves and each other.
Zoe: This being my first time in Europe, I loved exploring all the new places. Seeing how bike friendly the Netherlands is, the beautiful countryside of England, and the cities of Paris, Ghent, and Brugge was so incredible. It was also amazing to be able to interact with local people and other travelers. I’m so happy to have biked this tour and seen and done all that I did.
Henry: Belgium and Netherlands were by far my favorite countries. The bike friendliness, the amazing cities, and beautiful scenery made it an unforgettable experience. One particular day I loved was phantoming in the Netherlands by the ocean, and waking up and having breakfast on the beach. Also all the dogs!
Andy: I loved all four countries we went to. The highlight of England was watching the musical: A Comedy of a Bank Robbery, which had me laughing my butt off the whole time. My favorite part of France was climbing the Eiffel Tower and looking out over the city. The best moment in Belgium was watching the World Cup game in the town square. Although Belgium did not win, the atmosphere was still very cool. Last but certainly not least, I loved Holland for its friendly bike lanes and riding along the beach and phantom camping in the sandy dunes.
Aimee: I love the Netherlands!!! I expected the awesome bike lanes to end when we left Amsterdam, but we had them all the way to the ferry. I would like to go back and bike across the country someday. The culture isn’t all that different from ours, but it’s an adventure to get around a country where you don’t speak the language. My favorite place to stay was actually in England, though, when we slept at a spacious hostel with its own gardens and farm. “Rabbit Village” won me over in about two seconds.
David: Hearing French every day was a highlight for me, and, of all the places we visited, I would most wish to return to Paris. The bike lanes of the Netherlands were incredible — as were the art museums. The cobblestone streets of Ghent and Bruges in Belgium were wonderful to wander and get lost in, and beginning and ending the trek in England was special because the growth of the group was evident, whether asking strangers for directions, navigating without a GPS, or making collaborative decisions.
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Hurricane Ridge Accomplished by Pacific Northwest Trekkers
Oh man, today was the day that all of the other trekkers (minus Otto) were fearing. It was finally time to climb Hurricane Ridge- the excutiatingly painful past day-and-a -half slog up to the peak of the mountain located about 5,242 feet up.
I, along with my great friends, were dying, but the promise of a nice rest , Ice cream and a ride downhill kept us motivated to continue onwards.
We finally reached the peak and the views beauty was multiplied infinitely after putting in the hard work to get to the snow capped mountains surrounded our group as we snacked on ice cream and hung out
It was finally time to descend the mountain, thirty minutes of total bliss made the whole trip worth it.
Now getting ready for bed I reflect on today and realize that the ride was not only worth it for the ride down but also for the amazing friends who accompanied me along the way.
Written by Trekker Spencer
The European Grand Tour Trekkers' Finale in London
Today we went on the famous Sandeman Walking Tour. Our tour guide’s name was Becky, and she was very peppy. We explored sections of London, and even went by the Buckingham Palace and saw a member of the royal family go by. Then we visited Saint James’s Park, voted the most picturesque park in England. After, we had hot pies in a crowded park and talked about vegetarianism. Later in the evening, we went to the Criterion Theater and saw A Comedy About a Bank Robbery. It was very witty and it was interesting to hear British people trying to have American accents, since the play took place in Minneapolis. We finished the night with some cheesecake in the hostel sun room.
NY-Montreal Trekkers Bike North Up the Scenic Hudson
Today our group of trekkers started out in Croton and followed the Hudson north. By high noon, we stopped for lunch at Peekskill Landing Park. While part of the group gathered supplies for lunch, the others napped in the shade of some nearby trees. While eating, we were able to watch some trains arrive and depart from the nearby station. After lunch we continued north along bike route 9 following signs for Fishkill. The route consisted of some up hills but we were rewarded with even better downhills. When the group arrived at the hotel, we were met with hot showers and a couple of pizzas. Rest easy for tomorrow brings even more adventures.
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
Pacific Northwest Trekkers Reach Olympic National Park
As many of us had peanut butter on thick Texas toast for breakfast at the hostel, we looked forward to the 6 miles straight uphill on the infamous Hurricane Ridge. Two hours later, we boarded the ferry to Port Angeles and said goodbye to Victoria and Canada. Later, as we got off the ferry, we ate lunch outside the Safeway and spent three hours biking up finally making it to the gorgeous Olympic National Park. We had tacos with beef, beans, and fresh guacamole and prepared for tomorrow where we have double the miles uphill to make it to the top of the mountain.
- Written by Trekker Matt
NY-Montreal Trekkers Begin Their Ride Up the Beautiful Hudson Valley
Today the NY-Montreal Trekkers met for the first time and started to work as one unit to finish the day. Though in unfamiliar territory, the Trekkers ended up in a nice and cozy campground, eating a delicious shepherd’s pie and playing cards. After the team bonding the leaders effortlessly directed, the kids know a lot more about each other and are one step closer to Montréal.
European Grand Tour Trekkers Bike into London!
This morning we woke up later than usual, and had cereal and toast for breakfast. The sun quickly rose up and it got really hot. So Henry and I decided to have a water ballon fight with David. We frantically filled up and chased each other around, getting soaked and laughing while the girls watched on the sidelines. When we finally set off to our final destination, we could really feel the sun. We biked along a canal and watched a couple boats pass through the locks. When we got into the city, Henry was burnt out from the heat and getting lost, so I took over leading, which was annoying when missing a turn but so satisfying when seeing the road I’m looking for. Dinner was made in a cramped kitchen, and I ended the night reading Anne Frank’s Diary. y.
Monday, July 23, 2018
First Day For NY-Montreal Trekkers
Anxious bikers assembled this morning in Bryant Park in midtown Manhattan at 8 a.m. for the beginning of their 16 day, 400+ mile adventure up the Hudson Valley, through the Adirondacks, cornering Vermont, and into Quebec, Canada to Montreal. The adventure started with a short train ride out of NYC with all their bikes and equipment to Dobbs Ferry. There several more Trekkers joined the group and they played some ice-breaker games, talked about bike safety & rules of the road and then headed north along the Saw Mill River Bike Trail. Today they have an easy 20 mile ride to Croton Point Park Campground on the Hudson River.
Verse From the Road of the Pacific Northwest Trekkers
Wake up in the morning feeling like Teen Trekkers, got our glasses, we out the door, we gonna hit Vctoria. before we leave, make some toast, in the hostel kitchen, cus when we leave for the day, Tyler won't let us return.
Talkin fish 'n' chips on the dock (dock), pyramids in the park (park), and free time where we could walk (walk) cooking curry for dinner, cake feels like we're winners, trying to beat others at billiards...
Don't stop, let's pack up,
can someone wake Kyle up?
Today we will ride,
Till we lose the sunlight
Tick-tock on the clock
But the riding don't stop no.
Don't stop, let's pack up,
can someone wake Kyle up?
Today we will ride,
Till we lose the sunlight
Tick-tock on the clock
But the riding don't stop no.
Ain't got a care in world, but we can't feed the seals,
Got US money in our pockets,but we're already here
And now the dudes are lining up 'cause we need to board the ferry,
But we'll stop on the road if we see some fresh cherries.
I'm talking about noody getting flats, flats,
trekkers wearing cool hats, hats
ain't nothing the matter with that, that
Now, now, we showering till we check out
Or we milling about the town, town
milling about the town
milling bout the town,
Don't stop, let's pack up,
can someone wake Kyle up?
Today we will ride,
Till we lose the sunlight
Tick-tock on the clock
But the riding don't stop no.
(To the tune of Tick Tock by Ke$ha)
Talkin fish 'n' chips on the dock (dock), pyramids in the park (park), and free time where we could walk (walk) cooking curry for dinner, cake feels like we're winners, trying to beat others at billiards...
Don't stop, let's pack up,
can someone wake Kyle up?
Today we will ride,
Till we lose the sunlight
Tick-tock on the clock
But the riding don't stop no.
Don't stop, let's pack up,
can someone wake Kyle up?
Today we will ride,
Till we lose the sunlight
Tick-tock on the clock
But the riding don't stop no.
Ain't got a care in world, but we can't feed the seals,
Got US money in our pockets,but we're already here
And now the dudes are lining up 'cause we need to board the ferry,
But we'll stop on the road if we see some fresh cherries.
I'm talking about noody getting flats, flats,
trekkers wearing cool hats, hats
ain't nothing the matter with that, that
Now, now, we showering till we check out
Or we milling about the town, town
milling about the town
milling bout the town,
Don't stop, let's pack up,
can someone wake Kyle up?
Today we will ride,
Till we lose the sunlight
Tick-tock on the clock
But the riding don't stop no.
(To the tune of Tick Tock by Ke$ha)
Sunday, July 22, 2018
Trains, Ferries, and Bicycles for the Pacific Norrhwest Trekkers
This morning we started our day at the train station in Vancouver. After riding the train for the better part of an hour, we got off and started pedaling towards the ferry to Vancouver Island. One van ride and some miles later, we arrived at the dock. Unfortunately we missed our first ferry so we ended up eating lunch on the causeway. After that we boarded the ferry for some good nap time. Getting off at the port we just tackled a mere 20 miles and were done for the day, arriving at the Victoria hostel. We're ready for a good night's sleep!
Blog post by Henry
The Newport Mansions Look Quite Comfie to the New England Shore Trekkers
Hey Biceleta Familia, what's popping!?
Today's travels took us from the woods of Portsmouth to the halls of the Vanderbilt mansion. We woke up at around 8:00 AM to start our day. We had a quick breakfast of oatmeal and bars before heading out to Newport. Along the way we stopped at Stop n' Shop to get stuff for lunch. From the supermarket we cruised to the Vanderbilt summer "cottage", The Breakers along the southern shore of Newport.
Following a quick lunch of PB&J's, we toured the mansion, which may have been the most over the top, expensive, and beautiful home I've ever been in. The tour took us through the first and second floors which were adorned with precious metals, marble, and tapestries. After the 2 hour tour we headed back outside, and followed the famous Cliff Walk. The hike offered views of the many Newport mansions, as well as gorgeous views of the Rhode Island coastline. We turned back after about a mile of walking and made our last stop at the Chateau-sur-Mer, another mansion, albeit less extravagant. We took a guided tour through the old, creaky halls of the house while learning about how entire rooms of the structure were built in Italy before being shipped and assembled in the states.
On the way back to Portsmouth we stopped at the Stop n' Shop again to buy our dinner, breakfast, and lunch for our last push tomorrow to Providence. Hopefully the rain holds off until we make it to the downtown Marriott Hotel, but regardless-- warm showers and cozy beds await!
Saturday, July 21, 2018
A Long Ride to Cambridge for the European Grand Tour Trekkers
We woke up very early and made cinnamon toast for breakfast. Then we set off into the English countryside, where we immediately got lost as there are no street signs anywhere.
We rode up and down the hills before a nice lady guided us back on track. We had lunch and took a short nap under some trees before the final leg of riding.
We got lost again, but a nice construction worker named Phillip let us use his IPad to find a route and told us interesting stories of his journeys in America. We finally got to Cambridge by riding along a nice bike path after 50+ miles of riding and hours of frustration and rewarded ourselves with dinner at our hostel.
Blog post from Trekker Andy
Pacific Northwest Trekkers Take a Rest Day in Vancouver
Today was a pretty interesting day we didn't have to do any biking so we spent the day walking around Vancouver. We went to a thrift store and Ralph bought a neon green shoe horn. Later in the day we came across a book store with weird old books all over the place and stacked to the ceiling. I bought a nonsensical book that tells you what your dreams mean. For dinner we had Poutine to celebrate our arrival in Canada.
-written by Trekker Otto
Friday, July 20, 2018
New England Shore Trekkers Ferry from Scenic Block Island to Newport, RI
This morning Julie made us a special breakfast. We had sausage, turkey bacon, and scrambled eggs.
Then we had to pack our bags and gear at the camp before we went on the ferry to Newport. We had to be on the ferry for 11:15 but before we got on we had time to go out and walk along the jetty and see the port area one last time. There were TVs on the ferry, but most of us slept for the hour ride.
We arrived at Newport around 12:30 and biked to Stop and Shop to get lunch and dinner for the night. I was the group leader for the day, guiding us there with no trouble at all. We went through some neighborhoods with historic houses from the 1700's on the way.
After grabbing lunch from the supermarket we stopped and ate our cold cuts in the shade near a baseball field we rode past. Then we headed to Melville campgrounds in Portsmouth where we will be for two nights. The ride there was all along the water. They have nice showers at this campground, as well as a basketball court! Everyone was excited about the showers. For dinner we had rice, peas, and chicken fajitas and it was the best meal I've had on this trip so far. Tomorrow we head back down
to Newport to tour the mansions and explore the town.
-written by Trekker Tyler
European Grand Tour Trekkers are Glad to be Back in England!
Back in England! After getting off the ferry, we biked just under 40 miles to a campsite in Sudbury. Keeping a steady pace, and only “exploring the suburbs” (getting lost) once, we arrived at the campsite in the early afternoon. This allowed us to set up camp and take a nice nap before dinner. Dinner was certainly a highlight. David brought back delicious food for us all to cook. We ate shredded sweet potato with spinach, onion and sage stuffing, and cooked green beans and peppers, all of which was much more interesting than our daily sandwiches or pasta. Along with some flute playing, courtesy of Aimee, and being able to fall sleep under the stars, we had a very pleasant evening
Pacific Northwest Trekkers Bike into Canada and Vancouver
At the end of every night, the group sits around a warm plate of food and talks about our day. We have a tradition called rose, bud and thorn. Rose is the best part of your day, thorn is the worst, and the bud is something you are looking forward to happening on the trip. It seems like every night at least 3 or 4 trekkers say their bud is going to Vancouver.
Today, their bud finally came to bloom as we passed through US/Canada border crossing. Some were eager to get stamps in their passport while others were excited to move forward and get to Vancouver.
Riding along the greenway trail was a scenic way to experience Canada. We have some mountain bike lovers on the trip, so they were happy to ride on a dirt trail for miles of the greenway.
I was immediately impressed with the biker-friendly roads Canada presented, and as we inched closer and closer to Vancouver, I was convinced biking was the best way to experience this unique city.
The trail opened up at the boardwalk area in downtown Vancouver, with beautiful sites of the water and an architecturally interesting city scape behind it. Boats towed by as a man played piano in the park, it was dreamy.
We made it to our hostel, picked up take-out for the night, and sat down to a relaxing and delicious feast of Indian food and pizza!
What a day! We’re all looking forward to a day off tomorrow and the opportunity to explore the city !
A Restful Day on Block Island for the New England Shore Trekkers
Hey Teen Trek fam. Whats poppin'!?
Today in the Teen Trek house we got to sleep in late on Block Island and had some delish oatmeal for breakfast. The boys accidentally started boiling water for oatmeal in the not-fully-clean sloppy joe pot from last night, but we caught their mistake in time! We hung out around camp for a bit and played cards, then headed out for the day to explore Block Island. We had some stinky clothes that we needed to wash so we found a laundry place near our campground. Then we headed out to the beach and got our tan on, buried Nora and Russell in the sand, had ice cream and swam for a little bit. That was legit. After that we went window shopping on the main street by the ferry and saw some pretty dope hoodies. It was nifty.
Our group then went back to the beach to take showers, but the showers were closed early so we washed up under an outdoor spigot that was really cold! Shiver shiver. We stayed at the beach a while longer after that and had pullup and flexibility contests (Nora won). The views were ten out of ten, including miles of beaches and infinite ocean. Spectacular.
Camp nachos were the dinner of choice tonight and they were great, followed by marshmallows. We head to bed now awaiting the ferry trip to Newport tomorrow!
Thursday, July 19, 2018
Pacific Northwest Trekkers Enjoy Bellingham, WA
We biked from Larabee to Birch Bay. We stopped for a couple hours to explore downtown Bellingham, the largest city we've passed since Seattle. At Birch Bay we spent time on the beach before enjoying Kyle's Buffalo Mac and Cheese.
The European Grand Tour Trekkers Last Day Biking the Netherlands
Today, we awoke from our camping spot by the ocean and packed up quickly. We ate our breakfast on the beach, and then slowly made our way into the water and relaxed. There were a LOT of dogs that passed by, and many of them came up to say hi. We also saw a very naked old man walking his dog past us. It was quite the surprise to see at 8:30 in the morning. Then we set off at a lazy pace down the coast until we got to the MC Escher Palace Museum in The Hague. The artwork was super cool and their cafe coffee was ridiculously strong. After that we stopped at the beach once more, watching David and Andy have a mini race swimming across a pool of water and then running back. The rest of the way to the ferry was relaxed and scenic, so we took it slowly. Once we got on the ferry, we realized how nice it was. 10/10 showers in our room.
-written by Trekker Henry
New England Shore Trekkers Ferry to Block Island
It is Wednesday my dudes. We awoke to the sound of Julie's voice echoing throughout the campground like the sound of a thousand angels. After a scrumptious breakfast consisting of the finest Quaker granola bars Stop and Shop has to offer, we set off on our bikes to bond with one another and discover ourselves. Despite a few bumps along the way, including the author of this post getting a flat tire, his hair soaked with sweat, we all made it to lunch safely, where we gorged on a feast of cold cuts and goldfish all the while surrounded by the splendor of the Stop and Shop parking lot. We then biked 5 strenuous miles to the ferry, which we rode to the shores of Block Island. We pitched our tents in a campground clearing of low lying trees, where I now write this post. After dinner we biked to town, swam in the ocean, ate Ben and Jerry's, and biked back.
-Trekker Octavio
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Pacific Northwest Trekkers Taking in the Cascade Mountains Scenery
Today we biked to Larabee State Park. We took the ferry back from Orcas Island and stopped in Anacortes to buy groceries. Then we continued along 30 miles of mostly flat riding to reach our destination. We enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the Cascade Mountains along the edge of the coastal plains.
The European Grand Tour Trekkers Cycle the Scenic Netherlands Coast
We woke up bright and early in Amsterdam. David made eggs and grilled cheeses in the park and we went to the Anne Frank Museum afterwards. It was very emotional and I could only imagine what it was like for her and her family. Then, we set off to our halfway journey to the English Channel ferry. The ride was nice and flat, and we had bike lanes the entire time. We stopped in Haarlem to see a windmill and try some falafel—the first time for a couple of us. When we reached the beach, the headwind was so strong that it was hard to go downhill! We finally reached our place to camp and made delicious burritos for dinner. We went to bed with a faint ocean smell and some sand in my tent.
-written by Trekker Andy
Easy Biking Day for the New England Shore Trekkers
Welcome back to day 4 of the New England Shore Coast Trek. After a relaxing night at the Days Inn of Mystic Seaport, we got up and munched on our continental breakfast before setting out for Burlingame State Park. Cruising through the town of Mystic, we made a quick pit stop at the local bike shop, Mystic Cycles. There we made some small tuneups as well as made a new friend, the shop owners dog Reya.
From there we cruised down Route 1. At around 12 we stopped for lunch at the Westerly Stop and Shop and scarfed down an assortment of fruit, chips, and wraps. We continued onward to Burlingame, finishing up the last six miles with ease. Upon our arrival we quickly set up camp and got to cooking our dinner of grilled cheese and hotdogs before the storm rolled through. The campers are spending the night in their tents playing cards, excited to reach Block Island tomorrow.
- Trek Trip Leader Russell
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
A Needed Rest Day for the Pacific Northwest Bikers on Orcus Island
Today was what us bikers call a doozy. We spent the day at Moran State Park where we did almost no biking at all. Anyways, we started our day later than usual which was much appreciated by everyone. We took our time in the morning with oatmeal and cereal for breakfast. Then after a while we biked to the beach nearby on Cascade Lake. Some stayed inland and napped or read, while others floated around on an inflatable pineapple. Eventually, we made our way back to the campsite to make burritos for dinner. Tomorrow we are getting up at 5:30 to get out of here early for a long day, but we definitely got the relaxing day we asked for.
-Written by Trekker Jack
Art-Filled Day in Amsterdam for the European Grand Tour Trekkers
We spent the majority of the day walking through the rooms of the Rijksmuseum, following clues and instructions for an escape the room game (although it was really a break into the room game). The ultimate goal of the game was to break into a room and find the secret message, but first we had to find secrets hidden all around the museum. We had to match keys to letters, climb under benches, and find symbols within modern paintings and sculptures. Including a lunch/nap break, we took 7 hours to complete it (because we can’t back down from the challenge of doing expert level). Overall, a very art-filled day. We ended the day with some outdoors cooking. We’ve had a lot of fun in Amsterdam and are sad to leave. In two days we will be back in England.
Mystic Seaport - "Pretty Cool" Says the New England Shore Trekkers

- Trekker Andre
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