Monday, July 31, 2017

Beautiful Chimney Bluffs a Highpoint for Lake Ontario Trekkers

Laundry Team
Our day began with Tyler's musical "wakey wakey", setting us up for a fantastic 20 mile trip ahead of us. After breakfast, we were greeted by a couple of huge hills and made our way to Walcott to do some much needed laundry. As our clothes slowly got de-toxified, the food crew went to buy lunch, dinner, and breakfast. We finished up our laundry and ate lunch at a nearby park. Then, we made our way to the Chimney Bluffs, where we found a beautiful view and a great beach. Finally, we biked a short distance to our campground where we unfortunately found that our site was already occupied by an actual infinite number of mosquitos. After a dinner of mac n cheese, we made a fire with the help of Larry from the other campsite. We finished our relaxing day with bug bites and s'mores, and we're ready for a great day tomorrow!
Written by Ashley