Thursday, July 27, 2017

A Day of Biking, Kayaking, and Eating for Lake Ontario Trekkers

We began our day on the Sandbanks campsite, and after a hearty breakfast of granola and yogurt, we set out for the day. The biking was flat and easy as we headed to the supermarket with ten miles already under our belts. The cooking crew decided on Mexican food while everyone else chilled out in the parking lot. We had five miles to go before making it to our lunch spot, and on the way we ran into a road completely made up of pot holes. Luckily, we made it out without any damages to our bikes. At the early hour of 11:30 we arrived at the Lake on the Mountain Resort and relaxed for our lunch. We then departed for the campsite and took a ferry across the river. Soon after the ferry we made it to the campsite right along Lake Ontario. Our neighbor at the campsite let us borrow his two kayaks to explore the nearby coast.