Sunday, August 4, 2019
Sandwich for lunch for Cape Cod Trekkers
We got out pretty early today (8:30ish) and said goodbye to our luxurious camping resort. We started riding on a smooth bike trail that ended pretty abruptly, so we unanimously decided to get some donuts to console ourselves. After our treats, we took the less hilly (but more beachy) route to a beautiful ride down the Cape Cod Canal trail. We got into Sandwich pretty early (12:30pm) and we biked to Stop and Shop to get lunch supplies (you better believe we had sandwiches in Sandwich). We took our lunch to the campgrounds, where we hung out for a few hours playing various sports with borrowed gear and laughing at Weird Al Yankovic songs. After setting up our tents, we unloaded our gear and biked into town for dinner at a seafood restaurant. Everyone was happy not to cook! After dinner, we got ice cream and pet some super cute dogs while watching the sunset. Also, it’s worth mentioning that this crew LOVES playing card games with intensity—slamwich, BS, tongues, speed, palace, etc.—which we tend to do whenever we have down time.