The New York-Montreal Trek continued its march north, arriving in Albany on
Saturday afternoon early enough to enjoy some well-deserved rest by the hotel
pool after a strenuous couple of days. The crew turned in a tough, 40-mile day
on Friday, taking roadside stops at fruit stands and a winery along the way to
beat the heat. After camping out by a pavilion on the shore of the Hudson River
and being treated to an excellent dinner prepared by Adrian, Carter, and
Jonathon along with a gorgeous sunset over the water, the group pedaled the
remaining distance to New York's capital the next morning and dined at Bomber's
Burrito Bar, a favorite Mexican joint of trip leader and Albany native Andy. On
Sunday the guys gorged themselves on a continental breakfast, toured the
majestic state capitol building, and caught a matinee showing of Minions. We'll
be going out for dinner in Albany again tonight and getting a good night's sleep
in preparation for the longest riding day of our trip tomorrow!