Monday, July 6, 2015

Cape Cod Trek Has a Fun First Day

Yesterday, our Cape Cod journey began in Boston, as our fearless trekkers rolled in early morning, bikes in tow, and assembled as a unit across from the city's South Station.
Our day began with a short train ride down to North Scituate. While our bikes took up the whole aisle in the adjoining car, we spent our time on the train getting to know one another and talking about our first day.
Once we reached North Scituate, we headed to Shaw's grocery store and purchased food for our next few meals. We found a shady spot under a tree, next to a small, local church to stop and have lunch.
Following lunch, we pedaled onward towards the Wompatuck State Park. Though we missed our turn into the campground by a short mile, it allowed for us to enjoy the lush, green scenery and beautiful homes - some of which had large, old fishing boats displayed on their lawns. In all, we rode about 12 miles total.
When we arrived at our campsite, we unpacked our gear, pitched our tents and spent some time relaxing with one another. Some of the trekkers had an exhilarating time racing their bikes around the park with leader Cory. Before a shared meal of red bean quesadillas for dinner, we played a group game of "Robot Karate." As our fire died down, we went to sleep to prepare for our next day's ride.
-- Trip Leaders Annise and Cory