Friday, June 5, 2009

Meet our Leaders: Tony

Tony Caferro enjoys longs walks off short piers. He passes free time discussing pseudo-intellectualism and writing short bios in the third person. Never one to take himself too seriously, his heroes in life are Bob Ross and Commander Tom. Tony is now on his third year leading trips for Teen Treks, and this year he comes equipped with a fancy schmancy brand new Raleigh touring bicycle. In between leading these immensely gratifying trips, he daylights as a media marketing consultant, property investment manager and youth career mentor here in the lovely community of Buffalo New York; and moonlights as a coffee addict, dog lover, and film critic. Word on the street is that he dreams of one day having his own TV show documenting the ever enlightening process of composting, gardening, cooking, and eating food. Word on the intraweb is that he made all of that up. For additional information, feel free to have your people contact his people. In the meantime, have a joyous and blessed day.