Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Allegheny Passage Trekkers on the C&O Canal Towpath

We awoke to an early freight train passing by our campground next to the YMCA. Anna and Nielsen got up early to take showers in the YMCA locker rooms while the rest of the group got prepared for the rest of the day. Once the entire group had reunited, eaten breakfast, and fully packed, we began our day's trip.
We all biked down to the very start of the C&O Canal Towpath. Noah was our point for the day, so he led us along our first few miles of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Towpath. About a quarter mile into the path, it started getting pretty muddy, but we powered through it.
About 10 miles from our nights campsite, we stopped by a little town called Oldtown, MD, where we rode down the Old Town Road, until we found a small playground right outside of the Oldtown School. We ate a quick lunch, then we jumped back on the trail to finish up the last 10 miles of the day.
About another hour later, we came across our campground, the Paw Paw Tunnel Campground. We dropped off all of our stuff, and set up the tents, then hopped back on our bikes to enter the small town of Paw Paw, WV. We decided to spend a bit more than usual to go out to the town's best (and only) wings restaurant. We bought 4 dozen wings and 2 burgers, which we all ate. Kyle, Nielsen and Shaun all played a quick game of Pool, where Kyle made light work of the other two. After a fulfilling dinner, we walked across the street to the Dollar General to buy our breakfast and lunch for the next day. We returned to the campsite, and quickly went to bed with full stomachs and high hopes for the exciting Paw Paw Tunnel the next day.
-Trekker Nielsen