Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Beautiful biking day for the Cape Cod Trekkers
Today started off with a sweet breakfast and then we jumped on the bikes after leaving our first campsite to do some miles before lunch. We rode right alongside the ocean then more inland through pretty wooded areas with very little traffic. We found shade and lunch in Wellfleet which was followed by a nap before finishing our days miles nearly all on a shaded bike path. The dinner crew made a Ramen noodle and veggie dish with added chicken for those who wanted. The mosquitoes sent us to bed early even with the smoke of the camp fire. Tomorrow we ferry to Martha's Vineyard.
Maine Coast Trekkers shopped till they dropped
Today’s blog post is brought to you by Trekkers Lily, Max, and Katie.
Today we began our day with a nice hotel bed under us for the second and last time. Shortly after, we set out for the open road and made our way toward the next camp. After about an hour and half of riding we had a nice long lunch where we spent plenty of time laying around and playing games while we digested. After that, we got back on the road and after only a few wrong turns we made it to Freeport. In Freeport, we visited the giant L.L. Bean store and it was giant. Trekkers Lily and Katie went on an L.L. Bean shopping spree while Max seizes the opportunity to rest in a hammock. After leaving the store, we went to the grocery store it get food for dinner and then we got to what was probably the prettiest part of today’s ride, right before the campsite. At the campsite we saw lots of cows, and we all drank some over priced and delicious milk. After that we went night swimming and ate hamburgers and s’mores. We have a long day of biking ahead of us tomorrow and are hoping to beat the rain.
If we do, you’ll find out.
The cows say hi
Today we began our day with a nice hotel bed under us for the second and last time. Shortly after, we set out for the open road and made our way toward the next camp. After about an hour and half of riding we had a nice long lunch where we spent plenty of time laying around and playing games while we digested. After that, we got back on the road and after only a few wrong turns we made it to Freeport. In Freeport, we visited the giant L.L. Bean store and it was giant. Trekkers Lily and Katie went on an L.L. Bean shopping spree while Max seizes the opportunity to rest in a hammock. After leaving the store, we went to the grocery store it get food for dinner and then we got to what was probably the prettiest part of today’s ride, right before the campsite. At the campsite we saw lots of cows, and we all drank some over priced and delicious milk. After that we went night swimming and ate hamburgers and s’mores. We have a long day of biking ahead of us tomorrow and are hoping to beat the rain.
If we do, you’ll find out.
The cows say hi
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
No rest for Maine Coast Trekkers
Today was a day of rest. It was also filled with activities. Those activities included, but were not limited to: kayaking in the bay, swimming in the bay, further foot fueled exploration of the local scene, a Portland themed scavenger hunt created by the trekkers and for the trekkers, being used for our baguette by a local cat, fun fact theft (as a product of standing close by ongoing tours of the city and listening in without first acquiring permission to listen in), loitering, the purchase of used books out of a mini-van in the woods on a nearby island, picking ants off of a small dirt covered child that sometimes goes by “Dirty Desmond” and who also seemed to be affiliated with the book van in some way, team bonding, trading all of our pocket change for a rock, relaxing beach side rock climbing, more swimming in the bay, a sunset ferry ride, and pizza (sans tomatoes). As of right now, Portland has passed Portsmouth, Kennebunkport, and Newburyport. However the jury is still out on best port themed city as tomorrow’s ride will bring us right through the salty center of Freeport, Maine.
We were hoping to end the blog post with some kind of nautical pun boat for the life of us we just could knot come up with anything... Whale in any case, the maine thing you need to know is that we’re reely having a swell time up here and tomorrow looks like it should be smooth sailing up to Freeport.
Sea you later,
The Maine coast Trekkers
We were hoping to end the blog post with some kind of nautical pun boat for the life of us we just could knot come up with anything... Whale in any case, the maine thing you need to know is that we’re reely having a swell time up here and tomorrow looks like it should be smooth sailing up to Freeport.
Sea you later,
The Maine coast Trekkers
Monday, July 29, 2019
Cape Cod Trekkers explore Provincetown
After a breakfast of oatmeal and fruit, we left early to visit the Provincetown Monument. We climbed to the top of the tower and back before going to Stop & Shop to buy groceries for lunch. From there we took a bike trail, and on the way, stopped at a beach, and some of us swam for a little while. After factually proving that the Earth is flat, we left to buy ice cream for everyone in the afternoon. We then biked to Stop & Shop for one last time for dinner and breakfast materials and decided on burgers and veggie burgers for dinner. It was a satisfying day of 14.1 miles.
-Trekker Jason
-Trekker Jason
Maine Coasters bike to Portland
Today’s ride took us away from the sandy beaches of the coast but still managed to be one of the prettier days so far. We were able to complete a healthy portion of the route on a shady path away from the heat and commotion of the main roads. It’s always nice to get away from traffic where things are slightly more serene. The bike paths make it easier to chat with each other and to listen to the local birdsongs. We also arrived in Portland today and we’ve got to say, we’re not sure if Portland’s drawbridges are standing up to the one we saw a few days ago, however this seaside city definitely has a few other things that set it apart from Portsmouth, Kennebunkport, and Newburyport. We had a nice evening wandering around the city, ate dinner on the town, and grabbed some homemade ice cream before heading back to the hotel where we’ll be getting some well deserved rest in some clean bedding. Tomorrow’s plan is to explore even more and see what else Portland has to offer.
We’ll let you know how it goes!
Cape Cod Trekkers spend their first day in Provincetown
All of us started the day at Eastport Park in Boston. We played ice breaker games including the Name Game and put together a Trekker’s bike. For the next few hours at the park we reviewed basic bike safety and had lunch. After that, we took the ferry to Provincetown where we discovered that we weren’t the only ones with the idea to visit the tip of Cape Cod. We made our way to the Dunes Edge Campground and set out on a mission to forage for our food... at the local grocery store. Satisfied with our first successful homemade meal of Mexican burritos, we spent the time afterwards reflecting on our day.
-Trekker Chloe
Sunday, July 28, 2019
FIRST DAY - Cape Cod Trek
The Cape Cod Trekkers met in Boston this morning to start their 10 day adventure beginning with a ferry to Provincetown. They will ride through the beautiful towns of Truro, Wellfleet, and Hyannis, then take another ferry to Martha's Vineyard and back for the ride through Plymouth, Jeruselem, and finally Boston. This morning the group will play some ice breaking games, and talk about bike safety before setting sail.
New England Shore Trekkers end in Boston
"The final day of the trip! Today we awoke in Provincetown and headed to the ferry. After a picturesque 1.5 hour boat ride from Provincetown to Boston we did some biking. Arriving at a park we had some snacks then ditched our bags at the hostel. After that we had lunch part 2 at a robot food place. Then we continued onto fanueil hall where we did some shopping. We then headed back to the hostel for a brief siesta. Then we had a nice dinner of steaks and lobster rolls followed by a stroll through the park.
Maine Coast Trekkers in search for majestic moose
After yesterday’s scenic ride up Route 1A, the first priority of the morning was to get wheels turning and head straight back to the coast. Once we put a few quick miles behind us the Atlantic opened up in front of us. It greeted us kindly with the makings for some early morning beach frolicking and frisbee tossing. Then, with sand in our shoes, we set off northbound in search of the Maine state line. No one on the trip had stepped foot in The Pine Tree State before and so, as I’m sure you can imagine, the group really began to buzz the first time we saw the Maine state flag and collectively realized that its focal point is a mighty and majestic moose. In between all of the natural beauty though, we’ve also come across some pretty neat little cities way up here in the North country. Portsmouth definitely had the coolest drawbridge that we’ve seen so far. I think it also might be the coolest place that we’ve been to that has the word ‘port’ in its name. Newburyport was a little underwhelming yesterday but I guess we’ll have to wait and see if Portland can make a good first impression tomorrow before the true victor can be named.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
A cold Atlantic swim refreshed the Maine Coast Trekkers
We may be a small group of five, but we sure do know how to have a good time ! Today we drove past some beautiful New Hampshire homes on our way north to Hampton. Many locals stopped us to ask about our journey while we coasted through the East Coast Greenway Trail and made our way to 1A coastal road. They gave us tips for the road ahead, creating even more reason to be excited for budding adventures! The absolute best part of the day- we unanimously voted- was when we dismounted our bikes and went running straight into the ocean. It was cold, refreshing and the waves left us splashing around like a bunch of beach bums. After some water frisbee and a game of tag, we hit the road to collect our dinner ingredients at a local grocer before arriving at the forested nook we lay our hammocks and tents for the night, Tidewater Campground. The girls made Ramona pasta shells with broccoli while the rest set up camp, made a fire and watched the sun drift beneath the horizon. We all have high hopes for the ventures ahead of us tomorrow!
-Trip Leader Katie
-Trip Leader Katie
California Coast Trekkers celebrate in Santa Monica
Today was, sadly, our last day exploring together. We set out from our hostel towards Venice Beach, where we walked along the boardwalk and next to the skate park. We had pizza on the beach and swam in the ocean before feasting on some ice cream. We made our way back to Santa Monica where we visited some bike shops to gather bike boxes. We packed up our bikes and gear, and then enjoyed Thai food for dinner. We ended the night at the Santa Monica Pier where we rode roller coasters, ate Dip N Dots, and played arcade games
Friday, July 26, 2019
Beaches and shopping in Provincetown for the New England Shore Trekkers
We awoke this morning to the sweet smell of sizzlin' pancakes. After a plentiful breakfast we started on our way. Our first stop was the Pilgrim Monument. We climbed the 116 stairs to the top and saw Provincetown from the great height. After that we proceeded to commercial street and explored the shops. There was lots to see. Then we went out to lunch and had burritos and fish tacos. After that we headed to the beach. The beach was pretty nice but we decided to go back to the shops. After a bit more exploring we headed back to camp and made sandwiches and soup. We finished out the night with showers then cards. Cheers
Provincetown at last for the New England Shore Trekkers
Today we biked early in the morning. We started out on a long bike path for around 13 miles. We had a mishap with someone's bike and we had to go to a local bike shop. While we biked we encountered lots of hills. We had a good lunch at this local market place. We continued to bike until we finally reached Provincetown, MA. After going through some back roads, we reached our camp site. Quickly after setting up our camp, we all agreed to bike once more to the beach. After having a blast, half of the group went to shop for dinner while the other half waited for them to return. Pasta with Alfredo sauce with garlic bread for dinner was a good choice by Elliott.
- Trekkers Kaya and Zach
FIRST DAY- Maine Coast Trek
The Maine Coast Trekkers met in Boston's Portal Park this morning to begin their amazing 14 day adventure north through Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine. Along their 300 mile journey they will tour Portland, Bar Harbor, Acadia National Park, LL Bean, the Penobscott Bridge, and Bangor. Tonight will be their first night of camping at Tidewater Campground in Hampton, NH.
Los Angeles at last for California Coast Trekkers

Today we woke up, packed up our campsite, ate breakfast, and hit the road, excited for our upcoming arrival to LA. We biked along the coast and watched the surfers and dolphins as we passed by. We arrived in Malibu and enjoyed a relaxing lunch, where we attempted to crush apples and juggle lemons. We continued on and met many other bikers on the route! After a short ride on a beach bike path and a quick ride through the beginning of the Santa Monica pier, we arrived at our awesome hostel. We walked the Santa Monica promenade and made a hearty dinner, where everyone tasted Dragonfruit. We're excited to explore LA tomorrow!
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Flat coastal ride for California Trekkers
Today we woke up and cleaned up camp, excited for a long, flat 40+ mile ride along the coast! We followed bike paths next to the ocean and eventually reached the town of Ventura. We stopped by the visitors center and a few thrift shops before continuing South. We had lunch and did grocery shopping in Oxnard and then arrived at our final campsite of the trip. Everyone is excited for our hot dog feast and campfire-made fruit tart tonight! On to LA tomorrow!
Easy Cape Cod biking for New England Shore Trekkers
We biked a total of 33 miles today and we were very excited it wasn't raining. All in all it was a pretty nice day as we started up Cape Cod. We rode on a beautiful bike trail for miles and miles which was nice and easy. After our ride we settled in and made pizzas on the fire.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Rain, rain and felled burgers the New England Shore Trekkers continue on
So we woke up pretty early again, and it was drizzling, we didn't think the rain was gonna be that bad, but unfortunately for us, as soon as we got on the road, it started pouring. We had to ride through all that until the group got split up. We were really wet and miserable, whilst separated 2/3 of the Teen Treks team were outside a house on the side of the road. Isabel was on the phone with Elliott in the houses driveway when the owner of the house came outside and offered to let us in. We gladly accepted her request and she gave us hot tea and towels to dry off. We found out her name was Michelle and she let us stay on her warm porch drinking tea until it stopped raining. We thanked her and we left for Sandwich. Eventually we got there after hours. Me and the rest of the cooking crew went to buy the things to make burgers. When we got back from the market we started cooking. I ended up dropping two of the burgers on the floor and had to end up eating them. So yeah, that was our day. Damn, what a mess.
- Trekker Tanner
Dinosaur Egg Oatmeal & the California Coast Trekkers
Today we woke up next to the beach and enjoyed some dinosaur egg oatmeal as we packed up our campsite. We made a quick stop near U.C. Santa Barbara to visit a bike shop, eat some delicious burritos, and bike on the campus' extensive bike system. We explored the Santa Barbara Wharf and ate ice cream while watching the boats dock and people pass by on kayak and paddle boards. We rode on bike trails and through towns until we arrived at our next beach campsite. We're getting excited to see LA in a few days!
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Plenty of ups and downs for California Coast Trekkers
Today we woke up in Lompoc and headed to Albertsons for breakfast. We dined on cereal and milk, with lots of fixings, and headed on the road South. We biked through more farmland and had lunch in a friendly Californians driveway. We climbed trees and took a small siesta as we energized up for the rest of our ride. We continued on and after a long climb, enjoyed an awesome 2-mile downhill. A few popped tires couldn't keep us from our beach campsite, our home for the night. We cooked some stir fry, gazed up at the unbelievable view of the stars, and finished the night with S'mores.
New England Shore Trekkers bike out of Providence
After our restful days off exploring the city of Providence, the group is hitting the road again for more bike touring. Before leaving, we said goodbye to Katie and Ava. They will be heading back to NYC. Today's journey brought us east, one step closer to Cape Cod. Our ride took us through small towns as well as up and down rolling hills. We ended up at Massasoit State Park where we start our camping again. After dinner and as we climbed in our tents for bed, the rain began and it was accompanied by thunder and lightning. We'll all sleep well tonight to the sounds of the storm.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Dead Animals and the New England Shore Trekkers
Day 9: We are staying in the Hilton Hotel in Providence Rhode Island, a place I never thought I would end up but yet here I am. Today we went to the museum of natural history. There were way too many dead animals in my opinion however the planetarium was amazing. - Trekker Denney
California Trekkers bike to Lompoc
We started off our day with a delicious breakfast in an Albertsons (a grocery store chain). After a brief group photoshoot in the windows, we rode off south towards Lompoc, CA. We climbed a small mountain and then took a break to eat snacks and change a few flat tires. We coasted down the other side of the mountain, biked through farmland and small towns, and soon arrived in Lompoc. We explored the town and enjoyed dinner, browsing thrift shops and then seeing the new Spiderman movie! As we move South, the temperature is definitely getting warmer (we apply lots of sunscreen!) and we're excited to return to the ocean tomorrow!
Sunday, July 21, 2019
California Coast Trekkers find Strawberry fields and vineyards on the way to Santa Maria
Today we woke up to a sunny day in a homely hostel, and made some delicious sourdough pancakes. We met John, a friendly fellow-hosteler, and learned about his time in the Navy and Marines. We packed up and headed to a nearby bike shop. We got lunch at Trader Joe's and learned how to juggle lemons in the parking lot. The group biked through strawberry fields, vineyards and horse farms to arrived in Santa Maria. We even saw (a cardboard cutout) Smokey the Bear alongside the road! Although our campground was closed, in an unexpected treat, we're staying in a motel tonight! We're excited to continue the adventure and camp again tomorrow!
The Greenway Trail brought the New England Trekkers to Providence
Today's adventure brought us from Melville, up the river into Providence. Our journey consisted of a scenic bridge crossing and a well deserved bike path. The group rode on a section of the Greenway Trail starting in Bristol. The path provided us with great views, a relaxed ride away from traffic, and some great spots to stop and cool off. One stop included plenty of sorbet and shade. The group checked into the Providence Hilton and spent the evening swimming, eating, and exploring the canals. Tomorrow the group will continue to explore the city both on foot and on bike.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
California Coast Trekkers in Harmony
Today we woke up in our campsite and ate some hearty oatmeal. We biked south through a town called Harmony, with a population of 18 people (we saw 2 horses, which probably aren't in the population count). Then we went to Morro Bay, where we stopped by a bike shop and ate lunch at a nearby park. We played crisbee (croc-frisbee), napped, and hyped ourselves up with music for the rest of our ride. After a quick grocery stop, we arrived at our hostel in San Luis Obispo and cooked a scrumptious dinner of gourmet pizza bagels!
New England Shore Trekkers View the Newport Mansions
Today we woke up at a reasonable time, 7ish I believe. We packed up our camp (still wet from the night before) and headed off to a bagel store on the island. After a nice breakfast we went on the Hi-Speed ferry to Newport, RI. Once there we locked up our bikes and did the famous Cliff Walk, viewing 10+ majestic Newport mansions overlooking the Atlantic. For lunch we stopped at a beautiful beach and ate PB&J. Then we headed towards our new camp site. After stopping at the supermarket for dinner, we kept a consistent pace until we finally reached our camp. After grilling burgers, we took our first shower in around 3 days (which was the highlight of the day). Then we all talked around our campfire for a couple hours and had a blast. - Trekker Zach
Friday, July 19, 2019
Elephant seals and campsite meals for California Coast Trekkers
Today we woke up next to the ocean, and feasted on chocolate-orange pancakes. We then set out to climb a couple mountains. It was tough biking through the light mountain fog but there were gorgeous views of the cliffs to our left and ocean to our right. We took a well-deserved ice cream break at Ragged Point and played cards in the shade. We then continued to bike over rolling hills until we reached the elephant seal lookout vista, where we marveled at the gigantic creatures. We continued to our campsite and we're excited to find out that we are halfway to LA!
Thursday, July 18, 2019
New England Trekkers recharge their batteries on Block Island
The California Coast Trekkers enjoying Big Sur
Today, we woke up to the (incredibly) loud chirping of the local Big Sur bird population. We packed up and headed out to begin our day with a long bike climb to the top of a mountain (955 feet!). We got lunch sandwiches at a local deli and continued South along the coast. We rolled through every scenic vista (ALL of which had a gorgeous view of the ocean, cliffs, and crashing waves below) and kept an eye on the ocean for whales. We stopped periodically for snacks and lunch and, one time, spotted a pod of dolphins near the coast! A few miles later we arrived at a small general store where we refilled on water and gathered some more food supplies (including a delicious Big Sur Bar). We checked into our campsite for the night, which is near the ocean, and ate hearty quesadillas, played cards and enjoyed the beach. We have a long ride tomorrow with a few hills, but are excited to continue our adventure down the coast!
New England Trekkers biking on Block Island
Today we awoke in Burlingame State Campground, one of our nicest campgrounds yet! We started on our ride and stopped for snacks along the way. We took many breaks and played cards. After biking a while, we arrived at the block island ferry. We took the ferry to Block Island, Rhode Island. From there, we biked to our campground. We set up tents then had some nachos for dinner.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
California Trekkers bike up mountains and through meadows to Big Sur
This morning we woke up in the fog and mist and coasted downhill from our campground. We then all took a wrong turn and ventured up a mountain. Several half hours later, reunited, we made our way to a Starbucks in Carmel, CA where we recharged our technology and ourselves. We played cards and everyone learned the game President. After a quick stop at a Safeway (which we love so much, we got a Safeway card membership), we biked the most incredible route to Big Sur. We biked along the coast, up mountains and through meadows, with the wind pushing us forward. We eventually arrived at the Big Sur camp ground. With the great California Red Woods towering overhead, we ate dinner and went to bed. Excited to conquore new heights tomorrow
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
New England Trekkers cross into Rhode Island
Our trek today brought us from Mystic, Connecticut across state lines to Charlestown, Rhode Island. After crossing the bridge into RI, the group followed the Pawcatuck River all the way to Watch Hill, a quaint oceanside town with some beautiful views. As our journey brought us along the coast, our desire to swim grew. We stopped for a beach lunch and cooled off with some games in the water. After lunch, we continued on our way to the campsite. Once we arrived, the group set up camp and the food committee set out for dinner. The meal was prepared over the campfire that the group of trekkers built themselves! After dinner, the group went for a sunset swim in the nearby lake before drying off by the fire with s'mores. Tomorrow the group will be heading to Block Island for two days of exploring.
California Coast Trekkers bike to Monterey
Today we woke up to the chirping of birds and promptly had breakfast as the morning fog cleared. After a quick stop at a grocery store, we were on our way to Monterey! We passed through the rolling hills of California's strawberry fields where the air smelled sweet with fresh strawberries (sadly, they were commercial farms and there weren't any stands to buy them), and we continued on towards town. We had lunch in Castroville, also known as the Artichoke Center of the World! We stopped at a bike shop (shout out to Rooster Wheels, who stayed open an hour after closing to help us!), ate a hearty dinner of Mexican food, and then continued to our campsite on a hill that overlooks Monterey. We enjoyed Cookie Butter (our newest, but definitely not only, condiment) before going to bed. On to Big Sur tomorrow!
Mystic Seaport a Hit with New England Shore Trekkers
Today we awoke in Rocky Neck State Park and after yogurt parfaits and oatmeal we headed on our way. After biking for a while we crossed the New London bridge into Mystic, Connecticut. It was a cute little seaside town with great views. We ditched our paniers at the hotel then headed into the Mystic Seaport Museum. At the museum, we saw many historic boats and even got to go below deck. After a quick stop at the fudge shop, we headed back to the hotel. At the hotel we had pizzas, swam in the pool, and played cards. All in all a great day!
Monday, July 15, 2019
WE MADE IT TO D.C.!!!! - Congratulations to Great Allegheny Passage Trekkers
WE MADE IT TO D.C.!!!! This morning, we were all determined to get to D.C. as early as possible, so with a departure time from our campground at about 8 am, we pushed ourselves hard for about three hours to make it to the city before lunch. As we got closer and closer, the path got more and more crowded, and biking became a bit more difficult, but that didn’t deter us! After biking over 300 miles, we rolled into our nation’s capital at about noon today, and it felt AMAZING. We checked into the plush Fairmont-Marriott hotel, got a bite to eat in the downtown neighborhood, and then returned to the hotel to just CHILL. Feeling exhausted yet very very accomplished, we beat the heat by taking a very well-earned rest in our hotel rooms for the remainder of the afternoon. In the early evening, Kirk’s family brought delicious pizza for us to enjoy in the hotel lobby in a makeshift pizza party, and we can definitely say that the most popular guest at said party was Kirk’s adorable dog, Otto, who made an appearance. Once our party had wrapped up, we ventured out onto the streets to D.C. once more to do something that everyone had been talking about doing for the past two weeks: watch Spider-Man: Far from Home in theatres! We capped off an amazing trip with a wonderful day, and though we’ll all say goodbye to one another tomorrow, we know we’ll always have this thrilling and rewarding bicycle experience to share.
California Coast Trekkers Enjoying the Beach Life
Today, we woke up after our first night of camping and ate some hearty oatmeal. We packed up and prepared for a long day of riding. We stopped by a nearby Safeway for lunch, and also paid a visit to a bike shop. After learning how to (truly) tru a bike wheel, we realized today would be a great day for a beach day. To the beach! Everyone had an awesome time by the ocean- swimming, watching sharks and seals, exploring a nearby pier, and hanging out in the sand. Later, we gathered around a roaring fire for S'mores. We're excited to continue the adventure tomorrow!
True Bike Trekker for the New England Shore Teens
Today marked our first day of true bike trekking. The group started in Madison, CT and headed east along the Sound. Along the way, we saw many great sites and passed through many quaint towns. We stopped for lunch at one town's marketplace and had a nutritious picnic filled with fruit and sandwiches. After lunch, we made our way to the campground where we dropped our stuff and headed to the beach. After a long day of biking the group greeted the cool waters with open arms. The group started on dinner and ended the night with a bonfire and s'mores. Everyone will rest well tonight after a hard day of trekking and in preparation for tomorrow.
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Scenic Cliffs and Pacific Ocean Views Make for Idyllic California Coast Biking
We woke up and went down from our lighthouse hostel to the explore the ocean tide pools. Colin and Ian climbed on the rocks while Silas kept a close eye on them and searched for crabs. Ian then fell in waist deep into the water while Shelter laughed (Ian is totally okay). We biked on to Santa Cruz where we did laundry. During laundry we dropped by a pizza place for a delicious lunch. Then we stopped in a bike shop, and did some shopping to prepare for our first night of camping. We continued biking in the beautiful California weather (not a cloud in the sky!), with cliffs to one side and the expanse of ocean to the other. We snacked on fresh local apricots, the first time eating apricots for most of the group! We got to our campsite which is near the ocean, and made some dysfunctional, but edible, hotdogs and other delicacies. We're excited to continue the adventure tomorrow!
Saturday, July 13, 2019
A Day In Provincetown for New England Trekkers
We started off the day by biking through the sand dunes in Provincetown and enjoying many beautiful views along the way. We ended the bike ride in the center of Provincetown and settled down to have lunch. We split up to go explore and shop around the town before walking on the causeway out to a secluded beautiful beach. We stayed until 5 and realized we were hungry so went back to town. After dock jumping, we feasted on Rosie’s Mexican Food and ice cream. We finished the long and fun day with a drag show before biking back to camp.
Allegheny Passage Trekkers on the Final Stretch to Washington D.C
We woke up today in our comfortable beds in the hostel in Harper’s Ferry with a great sense of excitement - D.C. was only about 60 miles away! Only two more days of riding left! After a pancake breakfast, we set off on our bikes, braving the heat and humidity for the rest of the day. At midday, we stopped at a local deli for some yummy sub sandwiches in Point of Rocks, MD, and then a few hours later, we took a sizable break under the shade of a tree at White’s Ferry. Refueled with Gatorade and ice cream, we continued on for about 10 more miles and set up camp at Horsepen Branch Campsite. We had plenty of hours of daylight left to enjoy, so we passed a soccer ball around, played a few rounds of cards, and walked along the Potomac before tucking in for a chicken dinner. Early to bed was our plan, as we want to arrive in DC tomorrow as soon as possible, and an early wake-up time tomorrow can get us there. Can’t wait to finally arrive in our nation’s capital tomorrow after two weeks of riding!
FIRST DAY: New England Shore Trek II
This summers second New England Shore/Connecticut-Rhode Island Trek kicked off the 16 day, 300+ mile ride from Guilford, CT to Boston, MA. Over the next 2 weeks the group will cycle through Mystic, CT, Block Island, Newport, RI, Providence, RI, onto Cape Cod, Provincetown, and Boston. They met early this morning at Bryant Park in Manhattan and took a MetroNorth train to Guilford, CT. After several games to get to know one-another and a talk about bike safety the group will bike 8+ miles to Hammonassett State Park where they will camp for the night.
Last Day of Biking for New England Trekkers
We started off the day by waking up in the pouring rain and biking 10 miles to an all you can eat breakfast buffet in Wellfleet. We figured out while eating, that Rachel Ray was right: the all you can eat buffet was really “Cape Cod’s best kept secret.” After realizing that the rain would not stop for a while, we decided to walk one minute to the movie theatre to see Yesterday, using our sleeping bags to keep us warm. We then biked another 10 miles to a park in Truro, Cape Cod to feast for lunch. After naps and snacking, we left around 4:30pm and traveled our last 10 miles of the day to our campsite in Provincetown. We set up our soaking tents and hung up every item we carried on the trees around us before cooking and eating a French fry, broccoli, and chicken meal.
Rest Day in Harper's Ferry for Allegheny Gap Trekkers
A nice rest day for the C&O Canal trekkers. After waking up to a delicious pancake breakfast in our hostel, we headed into the town of Harper's Ferry for some historical sightseeing. We found a table set up with all sorts of games from the civil war era, and decided to play a game of croquet. Shaun took an early advantage, but Nielsen wound up victorious. We also played a game of Graces for an hour. We ate a delicious lunch at a local restaurant and walked around some museums and learned more about the towns history. There was even a candy store dedicated to candies as they were made in their original time periods, with some treats being hundreds of years old. We then returned to the hostel for a delicious chicken fajita dinner and the hostel staff made us a campfire and we made s'mores. We enjoyed hot showers and tomorrow we make more headway towards DC
Friday, July 12, 2019
Great Allegheny Passage Trekkers take in the history of Harpers Ferry, WV
A nice rest day for the Great Allegheny Passage Trekkers. After waking up to a delicious pancake breakfast in our hostel, we headed into the town of Harpers Ferry for some historical sightseeing. We found a table set up with all sorts of games from the Civil War era, and decided to play a game of croquet. Shaun took an early advantage, but Nielsen wound up victorious. We also played a game of Graces for an hour. We ate a delicious lunch at a local restaurant and walked around some museums and learned more about the towns history. There was even a candy store dedicated to candies as they were made in their original time periods, with some treats being hundreds of years old. We then returned to the hostel for a delicious chicken fajita dinner and the hostel staff made us a campfire and we made s'mores. We enjoyed hot showers and tomorrow we make more headway towards DC
California Coast Trekkers bike from lighthouse to lighthouse
After a restful night with the sound of ocean waves crashing outside our window (which was better than any sound machine), the group was ready to dip their feet in the Pacific Ocean for the first time. After a chocolate chip pancake breakfast, we formed a brief search party for a rogue helmet, and then finally started rolling South, led by Colin. We ate a scrumptious lunch of cheese and deli sandwiches (as shopped for and prepared by Ian and Shelter) and changed our first popped tire. We took a quick stop to eat some California strawberries, and continued on our way with the Pacific to our right, and another lighthouse hostel up ahead. We're excited for our first night of camping tomorrow!
Last Day of Biking for New England Trekkers
We started off the day by waking up in the pouring rain and biking 10 miles to an all you can eat breakfast buffet in Wellfleet. We figured out while eating, that Rachel Ray was right: the all you can eat buffet was really “Cape Cod’s best kept secret.” After realizing that the rain would not stop for a while, we decided to walk one minute to the movie theatre to see Yesterday, using our sleeping bags to keep us warm. We then biked another 10 miles to a park in Truro, Cape Cod to feast for lunch. After naps and snacking, we left around 4:30pm and traveled our last 10 miles of the day to our campsite in Provincetown. We set up our soaking tents and hung up every item we carried on the trees around us before cooking and eating a French fry, broccoli, and chicken meal.
A Day of Swimming in Brewster for New England Teen Trekkers
Today we woke up for our rest day in Brewster. We were also able to sleep in: for some that meant 6am and for others that meant 10am. The humidity forced us out of our tents, but to enjoy a granola and yogurt breakfast. David willingly and graciously took the laundry to the nearest laundromat while we got ready for a day of swimming. We went to the pond on the campsite, and “cliff jumped” off of a one foot rock. After cooling down, we hopped on our bikes to a close lunch spot where we relished clam rolls and fish sandwiches. After lunch we all took another quick dip at low tide and read on the sand bars. We made our plan for a Pad Thai dinner, and ordered the food we needed via InstaCart. After arriving back at camp, we returned to the pond for our last swim of the day before cooking dinner and preparing for the rain we’ll encounter later tonight. After eating and cleaning, we roasted bananas with chocolate and marshmallows over the fire.
Allegheny Passage Trekkers Make it to Harpers Ferry
We started our day in Big Woods Campground, situated right on the edge of the Potomac. Eager to make it to Harper’s Ferry in good time, we departed our campground quickly, but when Leader Anna had a mishap with her back wheel on the trail, it became clear that a visit to a bike shop was in order. What a blessing in disguise that was, for it led us to the charming and pretty college town of Shepherdstown, West Virginia! While bike issues were resolved at a very helpful local bike shop, the gang had an hour or two to explore the endearing downtown area and get lost in a local bookstore. Once everyone was ready to ride again, we all headed toward a grocery store to pick up amenities before heading to the campus of Shepherd University to have a picnic lunch on the grass. We were all determined to get to our hostel across the river from Harper’s Ferry before the weather turned, and though we did catch the beginning of the storm before we got to our resting place for the night, getting soaked in the rain made the welcoming environment of the hostel with its warms beds and showers even more rewarding. Settling in nicely, we chatted up some Appalachian Trail hikers and indulged in a hearty pasta dinner that the hostel staff so graciously cooked for their guests before going to bed at a reasonable hour. We’re all very excited to spend our rest day exploring the historic town of Harper’s Ferry tomorrow!
California Coast Trekkers Start the Pacific Trail
Today we set out from Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco and headed South, beginning our journey to LA! We biked up some of those legendary San Francisco hills in the (also legendary) San Francisco fog. We crossed through Golden Gate Park and ate Chinese food (Silas ate veggies!) before making our way to a popular bike route. Colin led us in a cool loop around a lake, which had Jurrasic Park vibes, and Ian encouraged the group to soak in the views during our bike route. Although we had a few set backs with bike repairs and Shelter has a new bike drop (aka her bike fell while she was standing next to it) record of 6 times in one day, we eventually made our way to our home for the night, an awesome hostel that used to be a lighthouse.
Thursday, July 11, 2019
Allegheny Passage Trekkers Biking a Drier, Scenic C&O Canal Trail
After waking up from a very restful sleep at the Super 8 Motel in Hancock, Maryland, we set out to procure groceries for the day before getting back on the Western Maryland Rail Trail! We were very grateful for the beautiful sunny weather and smooth asphalt to ride on for 10 miles, but as we reached the end of our portion of the WMRT, all of us started to feel the effects of the midday heat. Luckily for us, a conveniently located gas station five minutes from the trail allowed us to treat ourselves to some Gatorade, and after debating on some picnic benches which flavor of the iconic sports drink is superior, we were off once more! In order to rejoin the C&O Canal Path, we biked through Fort Frederick State Park and witnessed some historical reenactors, and once back on the trail, we were thrilled to find that this section of the trail was much drier and smoother than that of yesterday’s ride to Hancock. Even with stopping for lunch and playing several riveting rounds of the card game SET, the miles flew by, and before we knew it, we were at our evening’s destination of Williamsport! We celebrated with delicious ice cream and some additional rounds of SET in a charming local sweet shop and ice cream parlor. Rejuvenated by the ice cream and inspired by the mileage we had already achieved, we all agreed to bicycle on into the evening to a campground that was closer to tomorrow’s ultimate destination of Harper’s Ferry. We arrived at Big Woods Campground for the night feeling equal parts accomplished and exhausted, so just after grabbing a perfunctory bite to eat, we all turned in for the night, excited at the prospect of making it to Harper’s Ferry tomorrow.
NY-Montreal Trekkers All Over Montreal
Our day started with a simple breakfast in our hostel. While we ate we looked at maps of Montreal to plan out our day. We explored the beautiful old French quarter in which our hostel is located. We first stopped at the Notre-Dame Basilica, which was a breath taking old cathedral. Then grabbed some lunch and walked to the Mount Royal Park which overlooked the city. On St. Laurent St. we thrift shopped and looked at cool street art on the buildings. To finish off our day we had a spectacular one of a kind dinner at O noir. Here we were served by a blind waiter, Sammy and ate a delicious three-course meal in complete darkness.
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