Ruben remembers 7/14:
“We then began to cruise through the beautiful Upstate New
York countryside. Soon after we left, we began to encounter a few hills. This
terrain was typical for Upstate New York, forested and hilly with farms interspersed
between the trees. As we crested each hill we would see another larger hill on
the other side. Each time the difficulty of riding would only increase. Luckily
during one of our rests stops we encountered a few elderly women biking the
same route. They recommended that we could stop to refill water and rest in Mexico
Point Park. The park was nice, and, after we had refilled our water bottles, we
took a short break to play cards and rest out of the sun. After that the
intensity of the hills only increased. After hours of riding we stopped lunch.
Our sandwiches only tasted more delicious after the long day of riding. We then
shared a gallon of delicious ice cream. After, we rode out back into the
countryside. By that point the consistent trend of increased in hill size had
caused us to begin cresting veritable mountains. We rode through Sterling and noticed
a large Renaissance Fair. As we continued, we rode up the final and most
massive hill. We then continued on to our campground where we ate dinner and
slept.”--Reuben, Teen Trekker