“It was hot today but luckily we are right next to the Yellowstone River. We cooled off after having a delicious lunch of tortilla wraps and fruit. Lately we have been following a small mostly carless road which parallels I 90. We decided to try riding a pace line. That is when we move in a tightly packed group. Each person drafts off the person in front of himself. The person in the very front breaks the wind. When he tires he pulls back and lets the next rider break the wind. We moved very fast this way, probably averaging 18 miles an hour. Yesterday was amazing because we saw wolves and bears on the same day. The wolves we saw at a bed and breakfast. Howlers inn it was called. We saw a grizzly bear just a few miles away. Don't worry everyone in the blogosphere. The wolves and bears were both in nature preserves behind fences. Other than that we have been making good time going east. We will hit billings tonight. We went through a town called Manhattan Montana. I am glad we have thousands of miles still until New York.” -- Jacob, Trip Leader
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