Thursday, August 11, 2016
A Great Final Day for the NY-Montreal Trek
Today was our last full day of the trip! We woke up, and packed up our mess for the very last time. We ate breakfast at the hostel again and then began another fun filled day of adventures in Montreal! We began by biking to the Biosphere, an environmental museum on an island in the St. Lawrence river. When we got to the museum, we were informed that they refuse to allow groups into the museum. Bummer. But we still walked around the museum and checked out the outside exhibits and then ate lunch in the park surrounding the museum. We ate a very french lunch complete with bruchetta, brie, and baguettes! It was delicious! After lunch, we biked on a bike path that paralleled the river and canals in the city that lead us to the Atwater Market, a vibrant food market filled with local produce and fancy delicacies. We wandered around, eating fresh berries and, of course, stopping for our daily ice cream. Then, we biked up Mont Royale, where we got magical views of the city. There was even a piano at the top of the park, so we were welcomed not only with beautiful views but with beautiful music too! Once we came down from the mountain, we biked to our final dinner spot. We ate a huge italian dinner together, reminicing on all the good times we shared throughout the trip and how far we came in just a couple weeks. It was a grand feast and the perfect way to end the trip! After dinner, we rushed to pick up our things from the hostel and arrived at the bus station. We said our good byes to Luke, Claire, Jeremiah, and Kate and the rest of us tooled our bikes apart, packed then up, and hopped on the overnight bus to NYC with teary eyes.
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
NY-Montreal Trekkers Find So Much To See In Montreal
Today was an amaZing day. We began with the free breakfast at the hostel which had delicious chocolate chip muffins and pastries and then began our adventure through the city! Our first stop was the Notre Dame Cathedral which was beautiful and ornate. We wandered through the pews and learned a little about the cathedral's history. After the cathedral, we wandered around Old Montreal checking out art galleries and shops along the old cobbled streets. We stopped in for lunch at a quaint crepe restaurant where we filled up on delicious food to fuel us for the rest of the Day. After lunch we explored more of the city, stopping to check out shops and sites along the way. Our final stop was at Eva B, a large thrift store/cafe/magical maze of clothes, antiques, and other treasures that we all spent a long time sifting through.
After the thrift store we headed back to the hostel to nap and recharge for the evening. Andy and Emily cooked a Carribean feast for dinner and we all sat on the patio and enjoyed one of our last dinners together! After dinner, we stopped to check out the Montreal Pride festival which was happening a block away from the hostel. The Pride festival was so awesome and we ended up staying there for the rest of the night. We saw Bollywood dancers, singers, and listened to a lot of french speakers that we didn't understand and the night finally ended with a big dance party! We came back to the hostel a little before midnight and swiftly crashed so we could get enough sleep for tomorrow -- our full day together.
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
MONTREAL at Last for the NY-Montreal Trekkers

We finally reached Montreal today! We woke up and packed up camp quickly so we would make our way to the city. We rode through endless corn fields and farms and half way through the ride, we finally reached the outskirts of the city. We stopped for lunch and of course, ice cream at a beautiful park in the suburbs. We played on the playground and ran through the sprinklers after lunch to raise our motivation. Soaked and laughing, we hopped back on our bikes and continued on to Montreal!

Monday, August 8, 2016
Canada at Last for NY-Montreal Trekkkers
Today we finally made it to Canada! We woke up In Plattsburgh near the shores of Lake Champlain and had a leisurely start to the day, eating breakfast while staring at the views of the shimmering lake and the mountains in the distance. We began biking along quiet farm roads, passing countless corn fields and a few dairy farms along the way. We stopped for ice cream at Stewarts where Andy picked out black raspberry and death by chocolate. We all ate ice cream cones and recharged before we headed up to the border. We crossed the border with no problems and decided to stop for lunch as soon as we entered Canada. But as soon as we sat down, it started to downpour on us! We ran for shelter and waited out the rain before we biked into our campsite. Our campsite was a little piece of paradise with a pond, waterslides, and a beach volleyball court! We played a few games of volleyball together as a crew before we set up camp for the night. Sky, Hazel and Reuben cooked us a delicious pasta dinner and we finished the night under the stars, roasting marshmallows and sharing our excitement to finally reach Montreal tomorrow!
Sunday, August 7, 2016
NY-Montreal Trekkers Island Hop Back Into New York State
Traveling to Plattsburgh was quite a day. Leader Andy was excited to show the Trekkers where he went to college, SUNY Plattsburgh. Our route consisted of a beautiful causeway to get to a bike ferry, and seeing a forest full of colorful birdhouses on Grand Isle, the island in between Vermont and NY on Lake Champlain! Technically the island is Vermont though. We the took another ferry off that island to Cumberland Head where our campsites were. After eating at Gus' Red Hots, a favorite hometown diner right next to campsite, the trekkers departed to the campus. We were quickly enthralled by the fountain... Enough to want to go swimming in it! After that, we took some much needed time indoors relaxing at leader Andy's college friend and colleague Jean's house, watching "The Truman Show" a movie starring Jim Carrey.
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Burlington, VT Has Plenty of Fun Activities for the NY-Montreal Trekkers
So, the day to Burlington from Vergennes was a trying one. We had hopes and dreams of getting to Burlington early to do some extended exploring, waking up 45 minutes early to do this. On the way there though we experienced some difficulties from 2 flat tires! Right before our second flat though, we were lucky to discover a pick your own blueberry farm where they sold ice cream too! Although we got to Btown a little later than planned, it was still exciting to visit a bicycle shop / museum called the Old Spokes Home (get it!?), as well as walk the shopping district on Church St. We even swam at the beach on Lake Champlain. Here we are at the Vietnamese restaurant Pho Hong.... Best Vietnamese dining in Burlington!
Friday, August 5, 2016
NY-Montreal Trekkers Cross the Champlain Bridge and into Vermont
Yesterday was a beautiful day on the road! We began the day with a gorgeous ferry ride up to the northern edge of Lake George. It was a leisurely boat ride with views of the Adirondacks and lots of sunshine. There was a lot of laughter all around and everybody enjoyed taking it easy in the morning. After we got off the ferry, we started cruising on beautiful roads along the mountains through Ticonderoga and up to the Champlain Bridge where we crossed over into Vermont. After we crossed into Vermont we rode along quiet roads with views of Lake Champlain to Button Bay State Park. When we got to camp, we jumped into the pool, made nachos for dinner and finished the night stargazing along the banks of the lake. We saw the milky way and many shooting stars. Tomorrow we are off to Burlington and we are all excited for more quiet roads, beautiful mountain views, and exploring the city!
Thursday, August 4, 2016
NY-Montreal Trekkers Enjoying Lake George
Waking up in Moreau State Park we encountered some beginning of the day difficulties. Reuben had a flat! In fixing it, we gave a demo on how to patch a tire. Sky and the leaders taught the rest of the team! We enjoyed a day full of bike paths by using the Warren County Bikeway. One hill was difficult but it dropped us off at the bottom tip of Lake George! We spent hours on the beach enjoying the water, and reading books that we brought with us. After a dinner of Buffalo Chicken Mac and Cheese, we went over our high and low moments of the day and then cozied up for a restful night of sleep.
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Cycling into the Adirondacks for the NY-Montreal Trekkkers
On the morning of the 2nd, we woke up in the hotel in Albany ready and excited for our biggest biking day yet! After enjoying our free continental breakfast we packed up, jumped on our bikes and got to the Mohawk Hudson Trail! We saw them working new sections even. Leader Andy was especially excited about the new additions to the trail as he uses it often. We trekked hard and long that day, and finished! Upon getting to our campsite, we had a dinner of African pineapple peanut stew, taken from the recipe book of Moosewood Restaurant in Ithaca. After a modest fire (darn you, wet wood!) and smores, we snuggled up in our tents and sleeping bags with dreams of a beach day at Lake George. We wouldn't have to wait log though, as this was our plan for the next day!
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
An Albany Rest Day for the NY-Montreal Trekkers

Monday, August 1, 2016
NY-Montreal Trekkers Reach NYS Capital
After waking up to beautiful, misty Hudson River views, we biked twenty miles along through scenic farmland to reach our destination of the day, Albany, NY! We reached the Holiday Inn hotel before lunch time and changed into our comfiest clothes, ate gigantic sandwiches, and chilled out while the rain poured down outside. Everybody was so happy to be warm and dry during the rain storm. We spent the afternoon napping and doing laundry and then all went out to dinner at Cafe Hollywood, a fun little restaurant in downtown Albany. There we ate a large dinner together, sharing stories, laughing and playing pool together before heading back to the hotel where we all happily fell asleep in warm and cozy beds.
Saturday, July 30, 2016
NY-Montreal Trekkers Bike and Swim Along the Mighty Hudson River

After a good night's rest at Mills Norris State Park, we were excited for a long day of biking -- our longest yet clocking in at 44 miles! Along the way we stopped for pizza! The worker was so nice, he delivered the pizza to a nearby park where we ate at a gazebo! We went through the perfect amount of rain, a drizzle on a warm day and finally made it to our campsite near a historic 'ice house' on the shores of the Hudson. One trekkers, Hazel described our site as beautiful. We jumped in the water at the beach and proceeded to make tacos for dinner (even though it wasn't Tuesday).
Maine Coast Trekkers Biked 400+ Miles Finishing in Bangor
On Thursday we headed back to Echo Lake for a third day of chicken fights after a short hike on Otter Cliff and a lovely lunch at Gringos. We inhaled a gourmet dinner at Adlemans with Adleman himself and rode back to the campsite on a vehicle which was powered by things other than our own two feet.
Life is hard. k
So is biking.
We did it.
-Cassidy, The Wizard.
As for our concluding day, we awoke to Max's final morning salutation of "Goooood morning Teen Trekkers!" at the ungodly hour of 5 am. Despite failed previous attempts to speed up our process of getting ready, we rolled out of the campground at 6:30. We made a spur of the moment decision two nights ago to stay an extra night in Acadia, but the price to pay was one 57 mile day. With the motto of "efficiency and positivity," we energetically completed more than 1/3 of the ride by the time we usually leave the campsite. We made several stops throughout the day, including a 1.5 hour bike repair stop and a celebratory doughnut break in the homestretch. Nonetheless, we made it to the Bangor Days Inn before 3:30. Long, much deserved showers followed our arrival. After sloughing 3 days of National Park grime off ourselves, we assembled into one hotel room to feast on Chinese food while watching Harry Potter.
-Kiera, The Chameleon
NY -Montreal Trekkers Cycling Along the Hudson River to FDR's
We started today by waking up at the Ramada Inn Hotel at 8:00am. This night was luxurious to us, considering we biked 30 miles along constant steep hills in 100 degree weather, and because went to a diner that night that gave us energy for the next few days. Today we were lucky though. We cruised along flat, straight bike paths and before we knew it, we travelled 20 miles (we did a total of 36 miles today).
Our main attraction today was one of the highlights of our trip which was the FDR library and museum. This was actually FDR's property where he and his family lived when he was president for four terms. Not only that, but we actually went inside his house and had a tour from an old park ranger. Once we left, we biked the last stretch of the journey to a state park where we would sleep for a night to replenish for the ride tomorrow.
Quote of the day: "you cant hang with me unless you drink pig's blood."
By Trekker Max
Friday, July 29, 2016
NY-Montreal Trekkers Happy to Have a Hotel Night
Today was another fantastic day on the road! We biked up and down many hills with beautiful views of the Hudson and the surrounding mountains. While the hills were challenging, we kept up positive morale with lots of jokes and riddles along the road. Everybody's spirits were high when we reached the hotel in Fishkill where we swam and then went out to a big diner dinner together. After dinner we crowed into one room for a yoga session which turned into watching Disney movies until we all were too tired to stay up! We cant wait to see what tomorrow will bring!
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Maine Coast Hikers Trek Up Cadillac Mountain at Sunrise
Twas a brisk Wednesday morning, 2:40 a.m. to be exact, as Ryan awoke to the alarming noise of Max's iPhone. It was 3:00 a.m., however, when Max came to awaken the rest of the campers. It only took 7 snoozes, I guess. This was finally the day during which the Teen Trek Titans would conquer the imposing heights of Cadillac Mountain. No one was even close to enthusiastic about waking up at three in the morning to traverse the Cadillac Trail, but the group knew the result when we emerged at the top would be incredibly fulfilling. Normally the group would not be characterized as early-birds, but this morning they were especially groggy. After nourishing themselves with a small meal of apples, bananas and granola bars, the Titans journeyed to the restroom and water spigot to prepare for the impending excursion. With filled water bottles and relieved restroom needs, the group set forth into the darkness to initiate the journey of a lifetime. The first third or so of the hike was rather daunting due to the dim atmosphere, unsure footing and fatigue of the group, but as they approached the first clearing of the hike and saw the first hint of light prior to the sunrise a feeling of rejuvenation cascaded over the group as they felt their second wind pushing them forward. The distant light on the horizon was quickly getting brighter and brighter and the Titans knew they had to pick up the pace in order to make it to sunrise. They huffed and puffed their way up the mountain and, after a heroic hike, successfully made it to the peak of the intimidating Cadillac Mountain. The sunrise was breathtaking and the view from atop the mountain was stunning. Shortly after the group took in the view, however, many members laid down on the rocks for a heavenly 2-3 hour nap, well deserved I might add. All of this had been completed but the entire day still lay ahead of the group, so they made haste down the mountain leading the way to the best breakfast of the trip at 2 Cats Café. They ate like royalty there with luxuries such as a private room, balcony, and bathroom with a complimentary shower and unlimited coffee with delicious pancakes. After concluding breakfast the Titans ventured towards the Bah Hahbah square to catch the bus to the famed Echo Lake. The bus ride was perfect for some essential rest that the group had been dying for, a thirty minute nap that felt like 30 hours. After chicken fights, chilling with CJ and resting in an anonymous man's hammock, the group concluded their day with shopping, ice cream, and the first clear night of their stay at Acadia.
Written by Trekker
NY-Montreal Trekkers Have a Fun-filled First Day

Wednesday, July 27, 2016
FIRST DAY: New York-Montreal Trek
A large group of anxious bikers assembled this morning in Bryant Park in midtown Manhattan at 8 a.m. for the beginning of their 16 day, 400+ mile adventure up the Hudson Valley, through the Adirondacks, cornering Vermont, and into Quebec, Canada to Montreal. The adventure started with a short train ride out of NYC with all their bikes and equipment to Dobbs Ferry. There the group played some ice-breaker games, talked about bike safety and rules of the road and then headed north along the Saw Mill River Bike Trail. Today they have an easy 20 mile ride to Croton Point Park Campground on the Hudson River.
A Great Day in Acadia National Park for the Maine Coast Trekkkers
Yesterday was quite the day to remember as it was our first full day in Acadia and our first of two long-awaited rest days. We woke up approximately one hour later than usual to the sound of sizzling Teen Trek scrambled pancakes. The sizzling didn't last so long, however, as we ran out of propane rather quickly, but Max and Jenna were on the case as they jolted out of the campsite to scour the land for some much-needed propane. When we obtained the propane from the store, a massive boys versus girls pancake cook-off ensued as all hell broke loose throughout the campground. Shortly after the boys effortlessly won the cook-off, we embarked on our journey to the great Bah Hahbah (Bar Harbor). For the first time in what seemed like an eternity, the Teen Trek group rode in an automobile, a bus to be specific, to the town of Bah Hahbah. We traveled to Bar Island and skipped rocks for a while as the great grocery girl Sarah retrieved fresh meat, bread, and vegetables for a scrumptious lunch in the square concluded by the ravenous consumption of garbage cotton candy bestowed upon us by a random stranger. Afterwards, we made haste towards Echo Lake and swam/bathed in the relieving texture and temperature of the freshwater lake. We had many experiences in Echo Lake such as vicious chicken fights, meeting our boy CJ, and even spawning the menacing triple chicken; short-lived but left a lasting impression. Following our two or so hours in the lake, we hiked up the side of the mountain surrounding the lake, conquering treacherous slopes and death-defying ladders. It was worth the risk, though, as we arrived upon the blueberry bushes located at the peak of the mountain. Unfortunately, our time at Echo Lake had come to an end and we boarded the bus and headed back to the town of Bah Hahbah. We stumbled upon a wonderful deli and had delicious burgers, fries, chicken, and onion rings for dinner accompanied, of course, by unlimited refills on Mountain Dew. The rain got the best of us, however, so we departed the town in earnest to return to Blackwoods Campground to protect our belongings from the impending rain. The rain luckily only lasted for about half an hour, so the group was able to sleep soundly for the short time they had before they got to wake up and before sunrise to begin their journey up Cadillac Mountain.
Written by trekker Ryan, the voice of our generation
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Maine Coast Trek Makes it to Acadia National Park
The Maine Coasters have arrived in Acadia! The day began with some efficient biking and after we refueled with lunch, ice cream, and milkshakes we pedaled through the beautiful woods of Mt Desert Island. The spaghetti and meatball dinner was exactly what we needed before we got inside our tents and fell asleep to the pattering sound of rain drops.
Monday, July 25, 2016
Maine Coast Trekkers are Feeling the Heat
The Maine Coasters pulled through a very hot, very sunny, and very rewarding day! We sweated up many hills and coasted down on the other side, congratulating each other after each climb. The afternoon brought beautiful views of the Penobscot River and Verona Island. After we rolled into our campsite and chowed down on some tasty grilled cheese, we had a cup cake celebration for Lillie for her last night on the trip. We are glad we got the opportunity to share this much of the trip with her and we wish her the best! On to Acadia National Park!
Hot Connecticut-Rhode Island Bikers Reward Themselves with a Hotel Pool.
We woke up at 5:45. After a short bike ride to the bathrooms, then packing the tents, and a yummy breakfast we were ready to head out. Later we found a bartender who offered us an oasis of iced water, which was perfect for our parched mouths. We came across a nice bike path that looked over the beautiful ocean. Due to some flat tires along the way the leaders taught us how to change the tubes and patch tires! We made it to the hotel and then headed off to Friendly's for food and ice cream. We biked around the town of Mystic and then returned for a refreshing splash in the hotel pool! As the sun set we ordered Chinese food to be delivered to the hotel. Tomorrow morning we look forward to going to the Mystic Seaport museum.
Group effort blog post
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Maine Coast Trekkers Bike Northeast to Camden State Park
Today we had a regular biking day. We rode up many hills, trekked on one main street, and struggled through another flat tire. Then we rode while it rained, which was refreshing for us sweaty bikers. We arrived to our campsite which had a beautiful scenic view and then met another Teen Trek Trip Leader, Jenna (that lives in Camden, ME) who cooked us a complete dinner... FOR FREEEEE.
We watched the sun set over the ocean while we swung on swings and swam in the ocean.
Written by Trekker Alexei
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Connecticut-Rhode Island Trekkers Enjoy First Day of Biking and the Beach
Day one began as everyone gathered by various modes of transportation, planes, trains and automobiles to finally meet in the smoldering sun at the Guilford train station. The group headed off to Hammonasett State Park beach and campground where we were so delighted to have the ocean right at our fingertips. Dinner was great, Evan's special 'robot chicken' pleased all! Tuckered out tired, the night ended very quickly. Day 2 brings us excitement about getting to know everyone more!
Maine Coast Trekkers Triumphant over the Hills and Heat
Day eight was an entirely different story from the one before! After filling up on a great big breakfast of cereal, fruit, granola, and bagels and dealing with a few too many bike issues, we finally set out on the road. Today was one of our longest riding days and it also proved to be the most challenging so far because of the (seemingly) never ending hills and scorching sun. Needless to say, we compensated for the heat with lots of water breaks, a swim break, and an ice cream stop. When we finally made it to the beautiful lakeside campground, we were met with a wonderful surprise from Kevin's parents... a box full of chocolate chip cookies (thank you!)!!! Most of us then headed straight for the water and enjoyed soaking our tired bodies, had dinner, and played a game of volleyball before Ryan started the nightly bonfire. Another fun and rewarding day down!
Written by Trekker Sarah
Friday, July 22, 2016
FIRST DAY: Connecticut-Rhode Island Trek
Trekkers met this morning in New York City/Guilford, CT for their 10 day, 150+ mile adventure along the beautiful shore of Connecticut and Rhode Island. After a relaxing train ride on the Metro North out of Grand Central Terminal the group doubled in size with more bikers joining the group at the Guilford Shore Line East Station. Over the next week and a half the group will bike to many state park beaches, Mystic Seaport, Block Island, Newport, and the city of Providence. The group had a picnic lunch in Guilford and got to know one another playing some ice-breaking games. After a talk about bike safety and rules of the road the group headed east for their 8 mile ride to Hammonassett State Park Campground.
Maine Coast Trekkers Are on the Road Again
Today was day 7 and it was a fairly easy day. We woke up at around 8:15 this morning so we could have breakfast in the hotel (the rest day and the two nights were super nice). We biked for 2 and a half hours. We had lunch at a super nice cove on the beach, and then we got back on our bikes for awhile. Today was only a 25 mile day so it wasn't too challenging, but there were some pretty tough hills that we all powered through. Once we got to the campsite with minimal backtracking thanks to our amazing point Ryan, we found a really nice site to set up camp. It was supposed to be on the water, but in reality there is just a massive pool of mud. Some people decided to walk around in it but it looked very disgusting.. most decided not to. We then all relaxed while the dinner crew made a very delicious fried rice meal, and we finished this day off with a very nice dessert. A good end to a good day.
-Written by Trekker Tristan
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Maine Coast Trekkers Enjoy Their Day-off in Portland
We woke up and ate breakfast at the hotel. We then walked into Portland and found ourselves at a local farmer's market. Lillie, Cassidy, and Kiera got some beautiful henna on their hands. Max and Sarah got us potato donuts, and then we all sat in a park and ate them. We each tried a piece of them all. There were many flavors, including maple bacon and pomegranate. We walked along old train tracks and around the city. We ate lunch at a Salvadorian restaurant, then we got to split up and walk around by ourselves. We looked around shops and sat near the ocean. We regrouped and headed to bowling, where we ate dinner and bowled. Then we walked back to the hotel and went to sleep in real beds.
Written by Trekker Molly
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Maine Coast Trekkers Arrive in Portland for 2 Luxurious Hotel Nights
As the Teen Trek team awoke to the damp atmosphere and soggy ground of the campsite resulting from the rainstorm the previous day, the angelic sound of Max's guitar prepared each and every teen for a fantastic ride up to Portland, ME. Unlike most of the previous rides this one was particularly flat and easy-going which proved beneficial as the group had to make up some mileage due to the delays from the prior storm. They kept up a fantastic pace through the morning leaving approximately 25 miles behind them before even stopping for lunch. In the afternoon, however, the ride switched to a more scenic, mellow paced ride through a shady bike path decorated with a group selfie in the middle of the road. As the group approached the end of the ride they conquered their difficulties riding into a strong headwind as they finally arrived to the final destination of Portland. The sound of the rapping frog mascot as they arrived at the hotel signified the victorious and relieved feeling of the group as they finally had access to showers and yes...even laundry.
Written by Trekker Ryan
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
A Perfect Biking Day on the Maine Coast
Day 4: We started out early this morning and got all of our grocery shopping for the day done before we even got on the road. Being that a huge reason why everybody signed up for this trip was the hope of seeing beautiful coastal views, today was exactly the ride we wanted with the water to our right, mansions to our left, the hot sun shining down on us, and that cool ocean breeze keeping a smile on our faces. I don't think it would be a stretch to say the beginning of our day was pure bliss. If wasn't long before we came across a short bridge that a bunch of local kids were hanging out at and our point, Kevin, decided to stop. We had so much fun jumping in the water, swimming, and talking to the locals. Our next highlight came further down the road in Portsmouth, NH. We took about an hour to wander around and explore this historic coastal town before getting caught in a rainstorm that forced us to seek cover at a local boat yard in York, ME. Not even a torrential downpour could put a damper on our fun though and we spent a couple of hours playing card games until the rain passed and the sunshine resumed. Then, to change up our routine a bit, we stopped at a pavilion at York Beach and cooked dinner here to share. An overall incredible day full of both biking and laughter before we head to Portland!
Monday, July 18, 2016
Maine Coast Trekkers Make it to New Hampshire
Day 3: today our trip really began living up to is name... We did some great riding along the Atlantic Coast. We spent some time in the cute town of Newberryport, where we got gelato and milled about with other tourists. In the early evening we stopped at a beach, where most people either swam or did yoga. Several miles later, we crossed over into New Hampshire and arrived at Tidewater campsite. Looking forward to another great day tomorrow!
Written by Trekker Kiera
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Maine Coast Trekkers Bike Northeastern Massachusetts
Day two. Max woke us up in song. We got slurpies! A woman at Cumbies (Cumberland Farms) paid for our drinks, which was very kind of her. The trip was longer than expected, but it made the beach stop all the better. Cassidy was our point (person with map), Alexi was in charge of making everyone drink water, and the counselors stayed the same. We started from Harold Parker State Park, 43 miles later, we ended up in Gloucester. It's Ryan's birthday, we had a little celebration for him at dinner. Happy birthday was sung and chocolate marshmallow banana bread eaten. We also had smores and blue fire. -Written by Trekker Lillie
Saturday, July 16, 2016
Maine Coast Trekkers Had a Great First Day
Great first day for the Maine Coasters as we traveled from Lowell to Harold Parker State Forest. It was a scorcher out there so after we sweated up the hills, we enjoyed a lunch with cold lemonade on the shores of Martins Pond. Once we arrived to the campsite and set up our tents it was time to enjoy the campsite's own beach! We cooled down in the water and came back to camp to prepare some delicious fajitas. It was a clear night in a beautiful state park.
Cape Cod Trekkers Complete Their 250+ Mile Loop in Boston
We have come full circle since two weeks ago—we returned to Boston today. We spent a leisurely hour and a half on the ferry from Provincetown, then had
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Trip Leaders Aimee & Andy |
Friday, July 15, 2016
Nine excited Trekkers and Trip Leaders Sarah & Max met at Boston's North Station early today to begin their 16 day, 400+ mile ride north through Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine. To bypass riding through Boston streets the group took an MTA train to Lowell, MA. There they will get to know one another, talk about bike safety before exploring this city's Industrial Revolution past. Finally they will bike 15 miles to their campsite at Harold Parker State Forest.
Cape Cod Trekkers Do It All in Provincetown
Today we rode on the Dunes bike trail, stopping at Race Point Beach. We then went to the Pilgrim Monument, climbing the 116 steps, taking a selfie, and seeing the tip of the cape. Shopping was our next stop! Around 1:30 we boarded the Dolphin Fleet Whale Watching Company. Most of the whales were humpbacks, and a few were finbacks. We saw the most famous humpback whale named Salt. She was swimming with her calf Sriracha. Nearly all of us got soaked. We ended the night with dinner, Aimee's flute playing, and cards.
Written by Trekker Liz
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Next Stop Provincetown for Cape Cod Trekkers
Our team had another long trek today from Brewster to Provincetown. We woke up to find two or three turkey families cutting through our "backyard." The rest of the morning was also pleasant with a nice, smooth ride on the Cape Cod Rail Trail, then a stop at Coast Guard Beach. Only half of us went in the water because it was a measly 58 degrees! The afternoon was tougher with some long hills. We stopped for water at a tourist information hut and the man inside gave us all iced tea. We all felt accomplished when we finally reached Dunes Edge Campground.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Mini Golf and the Beach Make a Great Day for Cape Cod Trekkers
We spent a leisurely day in Brewster, Massachusetts. Our first stop was Harbor Lights Mini Golf, where we played 18 holes and then each savored an ice cream cone. Farther down the Cape Cod Rail Trail was JT's Seafood Diner, which offered a variety of wraps, sandwiches, and seafood. We all chose different lunch items and enjoyed the air conditioning. On the way back to Nickerson State Park, we stopped in the Teichman Art Gallery. After perusing the sculptures and paintings, we headed back to our campsite, changed into swimsuits, and hiked to the beach we found yesterday. The water was beautiful and clear and the sand was soft. Nic found dozens of clams, but when we called the park they said not to eat them. Instead of feasting on clams, we had fajitas and s'mores for dinner.
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Pacific Northwest Trek Ends With Another Day in Seattle
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