Monday, July 25, 2016

Hot Connecticut-Rhode Island Bikers Reward Themselves with a Hotel Pool.

We woke up at 5:45. After a short bike ride to the bathrooms, then packing the tents, and a yummy breakfast we were ready to head out. Later we found a bartender who offered us an oasis of iced water, which was perfect for our parched mouths. We came across a nice bike path that looked over the beautiful ocean. Due to some flat tires along the way the leaders taught us how to change the tubes and patch tires! We made it to the hotel and then headed off to Friendly's for food and ice cream. We biked around the town of Mystic and then returned for a refreshing splash in the hotel pool! As the sun set we ordered Chinese food to be delivered to the hotel. Tomorrow morning we look forward to going to the Mystic Seaport museum.
Group effort blog post