Wednesday, June 19, 2013

New 2013 Leader, Kate K!

Here is Kate K, another great Leader for the season!  Here's what she has to say:
"Hello, hello, hello!!

Kate here from Charlton, NY. I could not be more excited to lead for Teen Treks, meet you trekkers, and go on an adventure!!

I graduated from the University or Rochester in 2011 where I studied Brain and Cognitive Science, Linguistics, and American Sign Language. Since then I have been living, working, and biking in Baltimore and this fall I will be starting a new chapter yet again, getting my Ph.D. in speech-language pathology.

What do I like to do? I am a rower and a coach so the closer I am to water the better. I enjoy spending time in local schools and volunteer with a variety of programs designed to promote literacy and improve graduation rates. I bake and knit, read and play games, sing, dance, laugh, and of course bike!  My favorite time of day is sunrise when the world is brand new and one day I hope to have seen one from every state and add to my list of countries (5 and counting!).

Life is about learning new things and we miss so much rushing through.  I cannot wait to learn and grow together with my group while we explore the world in a way like no other.
See you soon!!"