Hello to you all! My name is Lydia, and I could not be more psyched to
begin this wild summertime adventure. I am a born and raised Buffalonian
who has since left to explore the rest of the world. I currently live
in NYC, where I attend college and earn a living by co-managing a hostel
in Brooklyn. I've made it a point to never stop exploring, and I hope
you will too by the end of this summer! I've been on countless
adventures-- from living in Brazil for a year, to working at a
sleep-away camp in Portugal, to hiking and camping around Iceland in the
cold of early spring, to canoeing through the Canadian wilderness for
weeks on end--each one as incredible as the next. My bike has been my
constant companion no matter where I go and I firmly believe there is no
greater sensation than feeling the road fall away behind you and
knowing that you are the force behind it. So, here's to a summer of
adventure and endless thrills!