“Can You Imaging Yourself…….”
· Eating breakfast on the side of a Walmart
· Biking in the rain
· Having everything which you brought wet
· Spending your 4th of July camping on a beach on
the Hudson River
· Waking up to learn that the Hudson River does in
fact have a tide
· Meeting a man named A.J. in Lake George Town
who has a 20-room R.V. all to himself
· Having a deep conversation with an ‘under-cover
cop’ in Nyack
· Enjoying a nice breeze down a hill only to realize
that you will be having to bike up it after finishing
the ice cream you are about to eat
· Enjoying the smell of manure breezing through
· Observing a city of ants enjoying their last seconds
of life on a log in a fire
· Eating too much Nutella, peanut butter, ice cream,
and cliff bars
· Biking through miles of corn fields
· Having the rain follow you
· Sleeping UP a hill (make sure not to sleep DOWN
the hill)
· Flying, in other words, biking without panniers after
biking for days with them
· Being lectured about what to say at the Canadian
· Staying at the Crown Plaza in Albany after sleeping
in a tent
· Laughing at all of the hilarious street and avenue
names (Ex: Moron Av.)
· Seeing the most amazing rainbow after sweating
your way up a hill completely wet
~ Annalisa Van den Bergh, Grade 11, NYC-Montreal Trek