Friday, August 19, 2011
Across America is Across America!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Across America Almost Home
"The Across America group is almost home - we're only fifty miles from NYC. We have a reservation at a swanky four-star hotel to celebrate, and plans for either sushi or New York-style pizza (both are delicious).
The past couple of days have been wet (thanks to the on-and-off rain), but enjoyable nonetheless. We biked along the edge of the Catskills, saw some live music, and stumbled onto a town's 200th birthday party, complete with square-dancing. As exhausting as it's been, every one of us is sad to see this trip come to an end. NYC, here we come!" |
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Across America Reunion Trek Seeks Bigger & Bigger Mountains
Friday, August 12, 2011
Niagara-Toronto Trek Reaches Goal
The Niagara Toronto Trek followed the shores of Lake Erie along the Waterfront Bike Trail from Burlington through to Toronto. In Burlington the group found an awesome waterpark and took a break from cycling to try out the large waterslides and pools. They reached Bronte Provincial Park and made dinner and smoores over the campfire before sunset. Their last day cycling was Thursday and they found a neat pier outside Toronto to swim and enjoy the wonderful lakeshore. For the next 2 days they're exploring Toronto and staying in the downtown youth hostel before busing it back to Buffalo on Sunday.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Across America Comes Home!
"Greetings from Buffalo, New York, the birthplace of Teen Treks!
The Across America trekkers had a rainy ride into Niagara yesterday morning, where we met Cliff (the man behind Teen Treks!) for some misty sightseeing of the falls. We then rolled on into Buffalo, with Cliff as our "point". (That's leader/navigator in TT language.)
We had a wonderful time hanging at Teen Treks Headquarters, doing some bike maintenance, gabbing, and trying to dry off. The night was spent at a radical hostel in the downtown area, and the Teen Treks family all came over for a very tasty meal followed by some incredible chocolate cake made by Carol. (That's right, AA Reunioners. We got cake. You be jealous.) The Teen Treks family--Ben, Cliff, Carol, and all the leaders and campers--truly is a special one, and we all had a wonderful time enjoying each other’s company!
Speaking of friendly people, we have met a great many on this epic pilgrimage to NYC. We've been blessed with great kindness and generosity from complete strangers (though they are certainly not strangers now!), and we'd like to take a moment to thank them. It's the people we've met that have made this trip over-the-top fantastic. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Peace and good vibes to all" -Jenna, Teen Trekker
Here is a link to a YouTube video of Jenna & Rebecca, Enjoy!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Across America Reunion Visits Grandma!

Monday, August 8, 2011
NYC-Montreal Trek is Winding Down in Montreal
Niagara - Toronto Trek is Having a Blast!

Sunday, August 7, 2011
Across America Reunion Trek is in the Hudson Valley!
Friday, August 5, 2011
Niagara - Toronto Trek Starts in Buffalo, NY!
Across America Reunion Trek Begins!
Maine Coast Trek Welcomes a New Day!
New York - Montreal Trek Enjoys Vermont
Pacific Northwest Trek is "The Amazing Thing"

Around noon we found a place to rent kayaks. I apologize for their being no pictures. If I had taken my camera out I am sure I would have dropped it in the lake. One group had a splashing battle and another group poked around some docks to look at starfish. We saw seals too poking their heads out of the water to look at us.
Later in the day Kirsten and I hashed out a surprise for our teens. We kept it a secret, referring to it as "The Amazing Thing". We had all sorts of fun with this. We would yell to the teens, "We are nearing the Amazing Thing" or "The Amazing thing does not like to be kept waiting!" The amazing thing turned out to be a hot tub, swimming pool, and a chance to take showers and do laundry. It was worth the wait.
Our trip is almost over. We decided to tell each other our favorite parts of the trip. For most it was the view on Mt. Constitution and Hurricane Ridge, for others it was the food, and also the cities. We will be flying home soon with satisfaction that our summer was filled to the brim with great experiences thanks to our bike tour!" - Jacob, Trip Leader
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Across America Trek Takes Time to Enjoy WI
We took our time getting to Milwaukee over the next two days, riding on the Glacial Drumlin Trail, checking out coffee shops along the way, and sharing our dinner with a bike-touring ukelele player. In Milwaukee, we visited the Riverwalk and ate at an Ethiopian restaurant before heading to our hotel room for a dip in the hot tub and a movie. Then this morning we rose early to board the Lake Express ferry to Michigan, the ninth state along our route. After napping through the ride, we're ready to hit the road once again." - Taylor, Trip Leader
Monday, August 1, 2011
Pacific Northwest Trek Has an Amazing Day in Olympia

"Yesterday we arrived in Olympia National Park. This was probably the hardest uphill climb of the whole trip. The campsite was five miles up and it was another 13 miles or so to the top. The road past the campsite wasn't all that steep and went by pretty fast. We passed through a layer of cloud to get to the top. We worried there would be nothing to see because of the mist but we heard from others that it was clear at the top. The mist was so dense we were all soaked even though it was not raining. It was as dark as twilight in the clouds and it was odd how tunnels materialized out of the mist just 20 feet in front of us. At the top there was a stellar view. It was as good as the view from Mt Constitution on Orcas Island. We watched the mist flow through the mountains as if they were liquid. We stayed up there for many hours because we knew it was cloudy at the campsite. We watched deer and their babies walk around the visitor center. Finally we descended back to camp. We flew 3500 ft down in elevation on our bicycles. It was cold and exhilarating. At night we huddled around the campfire at ate s'mores. Tomorrow we go to Sequim State Park." - Jacob, Trip Leader
The Across America Trek Thru Minnesota and Wisconsin
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Pacific Northwest Trek is Having a Great Time!

"We spent all of today exploring the city of Victoria, BC. The buildings share elements of victorian and modern architecture. There is a stone building which looks like a miniture british parliment and touristy shops all on the same block. We went to the BC natural history museum. We all wondered what the difference was between natural history and regular history. There were exhibits on indians native to the island. The teens saw an imax movie about elephants and monkeys raised by humans. The rest of the day was spent looking at shops and watching street performers." - Jacob, Trip Leader
Friday, July 29, 2011
New York - Montreal Trek Starts Crusing
Pacific Northwest Trek is in Vancouver!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Maine Coast Trek Puts Miles Behind Them With Ease!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011
New York Montreal Trek Bikes the Hudson Valley
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Maine Coast Trek Escapes The Heat!

Monday, July 25, 2011
Across America Trek Is Halfway!!!

We're officially over halfway across the country, and over halfway through our trip! Today, (day 31), we hit the 2,000 mile mark. A celebratory carton of chocolate ice cream was promptly ravaged. Just yesterday we crossed into our seventh state of the trip--Minnesota.
The heat wave we faced last week has finally passed, and it is now possible to ride without the inherent fear of spontaneously combusting. As soon as the temperature dropped, though, the winds picked up. The one day they were blowing in our favor we were able to whiz through our first century of the trip! Since that glorious day, we've unfortunately found ourselves battling some gnarly headwinds as we venture East. If only I'd brought some sails to rig to my bike.... Luckily, we're all in super-rad shape by now, (seriously...I have muscles growing on my muscles!) so we've been able to put up a valiant fight against the gusts.
Highlights of this past week have included watching breathtakingly beautiful sunrises whilst riding at dawn, buying ten bags of Chex Mix at one time (it was one of those 10 for $10 deals... we just couldn't resist!), and sleeping in past 7:00 A.M. for the first time so far this trip. We also cycled through Little House on the Prairie territory and watched part of a cool!
We've been having a BLAST out here as we trek across the U. S. of A., and we hope y'all are having at least half as much fun as we are!
Peace, and good vibes to all!"- Jenna Hill, Teen Trekker
Pacific Northwest Trek Makes It To The Top!
European Phantom Trek Hits England
Sunday, July 24, 2011
New England Coast Trek Takes a Look Back
Friday, July 22, 2011
Maine Coast Sets Out In Boston, MA
European Phantom Trek is Back in England!

Thursday, July 21, 2011
European Phantom Trek Bikes The Netherlands
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Pacific Northwest Trek Starts Out on Foot

New England Coast Trek Leaves Providence, RI

"Providence was very fun. We stayed at a hotel and after diner walked around and kind of got lost but it was hilarious. We saw the last Harry Potter movie at the mall, which was huge. We went shopping, it was awesome. Today we biked and 30 miles from Providence to Massachusetts and we're staying at this old campground. There is a vending machine that is from the 70's, probably not but it only cost 40 cents! My legs are starting to get used to the biking. It was really hard in the beginning. At the campground there is a nice guy who gave us firewood and everything. We've been meeting a lot of nice people lately. Not at all like in my town so I found it surprising. Well that about sums it up. Since I'm writing this on the 10th day, see you in 6 days peoples." -Giovanni Asperti, Teen Trekker
Follow the Trip:
Across America Trek is in South Dakota!
naps and sunrise pedeling. For this we have re-named our crew the
"camels of dawn."
Highlights of the past week:
Left big sky country (Montana)
Cut through the black hills to see Devils Tower
Crossed into our 6th state - South Dakota
Walked around Spearfish during their annual art some free lemonaid
Caught some zzzs in front of a bike shop before they opened
Saw the final installment of the Harry Potter series
Met a guy whose biked in nearly 50 countries
Roadthrough the Badlands National ParkAnd now we are eating lunch outside on an 1880s replica town
Tomorrow well be crossing the Misouri and treading on through Minnesota!
So long for now!" - Max, Trip Leader
Lake Ontario Trek peddles past Oswego, NY
Sunday, July 17, 2011
New England Coast Trek Gets a Taste of Providence.
"Yesterday we had a lovely day in Newport and got to see the Breaker mansion, which I learned was built by the Vanderbilt's as a summer home. It was really cool looking back into the gilded age and hearing stories via audio tour of both the lavishly wealthy and the servents of the mansion.
Today we made it to Providence and found some great food and the Waterfire festival. We found a Chinese culture festival and right next to it were two food trucks. The teens either ate Korean or gyros and they were delicious. After that we ate ice cream and cannoli . Because it was a neat local thing I think everyone had a good time. It was also right next to the Waterfire festival which was great. The girls are already excited about all the shopping that awaits them tomorrow. Joe, Henry and Gabe are really into the festival right now and Alex is just happy to have eaten fried dough. Giovanni is down for anything. I didn't know a trip could go this well before tonight. Everyone here is having a blast and I am excited for the trip to continue and for the adventure that awaits us." - Colin, Trip Leader
Follow the Trip:
Maine Coast Trek Finishes Strong!
European Phantom Gets Poetic in Amsterdam
AMSTERDAM (an acrostic)
Always fun
Many canals
Everyone bikes
Red Light District
Dam Square
Friday, July 15, 2011
Lake Ontario Trek Crosses back into the USA!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
New York - Montreal Trek in Northern New York and Vermont

New England Coast Trek Stops in Mystic, CT

"Got to Mystic today aftera long day of bikng filled with yummy treats. We got free Slurpees from 7-11, mystic pizza and ice cream by the quart. Here's what some of our Trekkers had to say:
"This is my first time biking like this. The people on the trip are friendly and nice, it is adventure I had never thought of doing but I am glad I havehad the chance to go. This is a trip I will never forget!" - Gabby Smith, Teen Trekker
"This bike trip is a continuous adventure. It connects you with frinds, and gives you chances to become a stronger person. I am having fun and I hope that will continue." - Maya Blumenberg-Taylor, Teen Trekker "
We can't wait to get to Block Island, we hear the beaches are great! " - Lauren, Trip Leader
Follow the Trip: