Here at Teen Treks, the action is constant. For the across America reunion tour, a short 95 mile day into Lake Placid just didn't cut it in terms of physical activity. In order to kill those regretful ice cream calories the group set out to conquer Algonquin Mountain. After record breaking four and a half hours the group made it up and back down the four mile, three thousand vertical foot trail to the summit. After a delegant homemade lasagna and a fantastic night's sleep in hostel beds it was once again time to ride those bikes! 'Twas a quick 40 mile ride downhill with a nice tailwind to the ferry across Lake Champlain headed for Burlington, VT. After a two hour beach excursion in waiting for the ferry the group set sail for Burlington. The group spent the rest of the day and half of the next exploring the sprawling city and making use of nearby coffee shops in order to feed their addictions, after which it was high time to head off for what had long been awaited...the Ben & Jerry's factory where a quick tour was taken before the battle between Teen Treks and the Ultimate Vermonster. After 20 painful minutes and several casualties the monster was defeated in a valiant effort. With spirits high and energy through the roof the group set off to finish the rest of their journey over tall mountains and against strong winds. With the confidence gained from the Battle of the Vermonster this happy family can and will conquer all that lies in their path!