"Excitement rippled throughout New Haven, CT as eager Teen Trekkers made their way to the start of this years marvelous trip. An eclectic assortment of New Haven's finest food awaited our young heroes as they leap into the arms of their comrades. Summer had properly begun. As the evening grew late tales were told of our winters, jazz spilled from the piano as Gavriel and Tyler pounded away and food was constantly consumed. Journals from last year's trip were brought out and stories retold for the umpteenth time. At far too late an hour we retired and awoke to homemade pancakes, replicas from those which were consumed one year ago to the day in Minneapolis. We assembled bikes marveling at their clean and patched up nature, recovered from last year's epic journey. The rhythmic breathing of pumps filled the air while freewheels clicked as chains were oiled, a sound that would hopefully follow us as we rode more down than up. We anxiously set off, wondering how we would ever surpass last years trip, but we knew deep down somehow it'd happen. "Ride safe" was the last we heard as we set off into the great unknown." -Adam, Teen Trekker