Saturday, August 1, 2015

Lake Ontario Trekkers Have a Relaxing Day

 We woke up early at the hostel to see our counselor Stephanie hard at work making us pancakes and bacon for breakfast. We left at 9:00 and made it about 3 miles before stopping for lunch. That sounds bad, but we did stop to do laundry. Trust me when I say it was badly needed. We only did a little over 20 miles today over all. One of our Trekkers, Mary has family in the immediate area and they are graciously allowing us to camp out on their front lawn. They live on a farm with three horses and some chickens. We arrived here at around 3:00 and Mary's aunt got a kick out of seeing everything on our bikes. One of her friends has a small lakefront cottage with a water slide we could swim and play on. Mary's cousins, Tyler, Claire, myself (Kyle Rifkin) and Jack hopped into a minivan and drove about a mile to the place. We jumped off the dock and slid down the slide into beautifully warm water over and over again. At one point Jack threw a bouncy ball into the water and it went really far out. Mary's aunts friend (who is a very trusting person) let us take a boat to retrieve it. History is full of great captains-Ahab, Sparrow, Crunch, and Jack Davis is not one of them.  Just as things were looking grim, the owner of a different boat showed up. Whoops. Eventually I took control of the boat and safely got us out of the marina, to the ball and then parallel parked it again in the marina (take that, drivers test.) -- Trekker Kyle