Wednesday, July 16, 2014

New York - Montreal Trek Cruises Into Vermont

On a cloudy, breezy, but rain-free day, our second New York - Montreal Trek opted to take a ferry across Lake Champlain to get to Vermont, very much enjoying the views along the waterway.  On the way to their campsite, they discovered a farm with a roadside store, where they had a snack of cider, apples, and -- because you can't be completely healthy all the time! -- homemade donuts.

They set up camp at Button Bay State Park and met another group of traveling teens.  The two groups spent the afternoon playing football and volleyball, and then our Trekkers had a tasty dinner of "potsagna," lasagna made, as the name suggests, in a big pot and cooked over a camp stove.

They're now headed to hip, friendly Burlington.