Monday, July 7, 2014

New York - Montreal Trek Explores Rural NY State

Trekkers Abie, Addie, Avery, and Theo collaborated on a description of day 7 of their Trek:
We had all feared today from day 1 of our trip, since it was going to be our longest-mileage day: 48 miles! About halfway through, we passed a barn, where we stopped to feed and pet some horses. We got back on the road, biking up and down some intense hills that left us thirsty by early afternoon.

We stopped at a house to ask if we could fill up our water bottles, and the woman who answered our knock let us drink from her hose, which poured out warm water that smelled like sulfur. . . but it did keep us hydrated.  Back on our bikes, we passed more farms and smelled at least a couple different kinds of manure.

We got briefly excited when Addie and Avery spotted some Target trucks, but it turned out that they were at a distribution center, not a retail Target we could go into. Our hard work paid off, though, because we got ice cream from Stewart's, a chain no one in our group had heard of before this trip. After that well-earned break, we only had a little farther to bike before we made camp at Moreau State Park and had dinner.

The Trekkers have a much easier day ahead: only 22 miles to get to beach and water fun at Lake George!