Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Meet Max!

Monday, March 21, 2011
Mundane Monday Just Got Better! Meet Your Newest Leader!
Hi, I'm Jacob! It was my love of bikes that led me to Teen Treks. I remember riding all over my neighborhood the moment I got my training wheels taken off, and I haven’t slowed down since. A trip to Mt. St. Helens was my first real tour. To get there I traveled up the Oregon coast, through the windy Columbia River Gorge, then up a three thousand foot climb to camp at the base of that huge, broken mountain. Since then I’ve toured the whole west coast and up to Vancouver, BC.
Right now I live in Eugene, Oregon and I work at a gymnastics club. I am one of a lucky few individuals whose job involves adolescents and trampolines! Besides the gym, I have been working towards becoming a bike mechanic by volunteering at a local bike co-op. Also, I’ve gotten into bike advocacy. In my hometown, cycling group’s work with city planners to make sure all new construction is bicycle friendly.
This summer I look forward to sharing my experience and love of touring with a fun group of people!