So good news everyone, we have succesfully made it to Bar Harbor, Maine! Since leaving Portland over a week ago we have encountered many more hills, some beautiful countryside and the picturesque Maine coast. We hit the 200 mile mark just before arriving in Freeport, where we stayed in an absolutely awesome campsite right along the water.

After traversing inland where it became increasingly mountain-esque, the heat (90 degrees plus) got the best of us and forced us to stop and cool off in a river near Richmond. Luckily the cool water and late afternoon breeze allowed us to roll into Chewonki Campground near Wiscasset just before a massive thunderstorm did. However we stayed quite dry, as Pam, the nicest campground owner ever, allowed us to sleep in the rec hall.

With the sun semi-shining (well a misty rain really) the next morning, we continued along Route 1 North, stopping for ice cream and postcards (which you parents should have receievd by now). That evening we pulled into a High School parking lot and athletic field for dinner, which was quite nice and relaxing, and then proceeded to "Phantom Camp". Basically a thick fog rolled in, we set up our tents in the eery darkness, and were out of there early the next morning before anyone knew we were there. Quite the experience!
After our early start, we had some spare time to explore Rockland and play some Mini Golf in Camden (I think we'll stick with our non-golfing future professions).

We also hit the 300 mile mark!

Camden State Park was another beautiful campgorund on the ocean, and the free showers didn't hurt at all!
Making out way even further north along Route 1 the next day, we stopped for a morning dip in the ocean around Lincolnville that was most refreshing.

And just before passing into Orland, we came upon a massive bridge that was quite unexpected.

Fianlly arriving at Balsam Cove campground, which was situated along a spectacular lake a bit inland from the ocean, we had a great late-afternoon swim and a delicious steak dinner for our last night of camping.
With only 30 miles to go before reaching Bar Harbor, we all slept in a bit and took a much needed nap at lunch. But we made it, just in time to have the promised Lobster dinner!

Today our bikes stayed put behind the hostel, and we hiked Acadia National Park. Our wonderful pancake breakfast fueled us to play along the cliffs near Thunder Rock and relax on Sand Beach.

Tomorrow morning we shall be up early again, and have a much anticipated sea kayaking adventure tour! We will explore the Carriage Trails, and then hang out in the hostel for our last evening in Bar Harbor. Then Friday monring, back on the bikes for a quick (and hopefully painless) 45 miles to Bangor for our last night. Then its a return to Boston by Saturday evening and the end of our amazing, spectacular, superb and totally bodacious bike trip along the Maine Coast.
We've had a great time leading the trip, and will be sad to see everyone go on their seperate ways, but we know how much fun everyone has had and we will (maybe) see you next summer!
~Andy and Seval