Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Hello from New City!
bryan here. i would like to set the record straight by saying that these kids are complete brats. just look at how bratty these kids are. (see photos) clearly not having a lick of fun. they obviously hate biking and can't get along with one another.
seriously though...
It's been an eventful two days since the group first met on Tuesday morning at the New York City hostel. Tuesday morning, we biked along the bike path on the hudson river (west side) up to the Cloisters museum, a romanesque building comprised of salvaged building components from demolished european cathedrals, where we dined (lunched?) feasted upon the culinary creations of Noah and David, who picked out a healthy lunch of hummus and tabouli veggie pitas. By the time we had worked out way back down to central park we were more than ready for ice cream. devoured 2 half gallons and passed out. we rode around central park and had pizza for dinner. the hostel had air conditioning which was a much appreciated last taste of civilization.
or so we thought.
40 miles of biking on wednesday brought us to Nyack, where we had hot chocolate and had our bicycles doctored by the wonderful bike shop there. Nyack beach was for skipping rocks, and eagles were spotted. that's right. eagles. bald ones. Brandon survived a bee-sting, and everybody championed all of the hills that finally brought us to Mariel's house, where her mother had prepared a fantastic 3 course meal for us. amazing.