Sunday, June 23, 2019

Biking across dunes, enjoying coastal views and group bonding for Amsterdam-Paris Trekkers

My father always told me that boredom is a starvation of the mind. If that's the case then today has been a 3 course meal followed by an after dinner snack for the brain. We started off in Overveen, leaving our campsite early in the morning. Traveling across the dunes with the squad was, as the kids say, "lit." After a couple more miles of biking, a quick pit stop allowed some of the group to fuel up on some stroopwafel ice cream sandwiches, a food that surpasses anything that the Queen of England could have acquired 100 years ago, and perhaps even today. The boys got burned out around mid-day, so we stopped the cruise to catch some snooze in a park after lunch. After the boys "got the dub" we continued to Wassenaar where we saw the outside of a church and the inside of a Dunkin Donuts. Some Neapolitan ice cream was brought by Elliott, and was subsequently disposed of with ruthless efficiency. After that, a straight shot to the campsite was ridden, and we arrived in time to set up our tents and cook up some burgers. The smell of hand pressed burgers sizzling on a camp grill allowed us some respite from our aching legs, courtesy of the Bataan Bike March of 30 miles in one day. After some therapeutic group reflection, the narrative ends with me, typing this entry on my counselor's phone. The future holds many uncertainties, but remember folks, pirates sailed for thousands of miles searching for treasure, when the real treasure was the friendships they made along the way. -Tally