Thursday, May 18, 2017

Welcome New Trip Leader - CHARLOTTE

Hi Teen Trekkers!!
My name is Chuck and I’m from Bethesda, Maryland. I’m super amped to be your leader this summer as we travel through to amazing places. Riding on bike is one of my favorite ways to travel because it allows you to see and physically interact with your environment as you explore amazing places. My first bike trip was around the Lake Champlain Valley in Vermont and since then I have traveled to Israel, France, and Mexico and have been amazed by all the crazy and unique experiences I have had with the people I have met. Besides biking, I love rollerblading and am always down for an intense game of spoons! Most of all though I cannot wait to get out on the open roads and experience all the amazing adventures that are waiting for us.

Welcome New Trip Leader - D.C.

Hey friends! My name is D.C. and I grew up in Boise, Idaho. I unfortunately did not grow up on a potato farm, but happen to love most forms of potatoes. I am looking forward to cycling the summer away with all of you. One of my favorite ways to explore a new area is by bike and I can’t wait to see where our adventures will take us. My travels have taken me several places both internationally and within the States, but I think the most impactful has to have been when I walked the Camino (500+ mile trek) in Spain. It was a great opportunity to meet people from around the world and challenge myself. Over the past two years I have spent most of my time working as an outdoor environmental educator in the Catskill Mountains. Prior to this, I have been both a summer camp counselor as well as a day camp and adventure camp director in Washington and Idaho. Besides biking, I can often be found frolicking in the woods, weeding a garden, wandering about on my unicycle, or trying out a new recipe in the kitchen. I look forward to a challenging but rewarding summer with all of you!

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Welcome Back Trip Leader - JENNA

Helloooo teen trekkers! My name is Jenna and I'm from midcoast Maine. I'm so excited to hit the road this summer and see some beautiful sights by bicycle!! Back in high school I did the Across America Trek with Teen Treks and had a BLAST, and I've been hooked on bike touring ever since! I lived and traveled in India for a year before college, and this semester I'm abroad again, studying (and most importantly, biking) in New Zealand. I've spent the past two summers leading bike tours in Europe and New England, and I'm stoked to be back in the saddle with Teen Treks again! When I'm not on my bike, I like skiing, contradancing, hiking, camping, gardening, singing acappella, and crackin lots of bad jokes. I volunteer as a Peer Health Educator at my college, and I love working with young people around topics of wellness, identity, and healthy relationships. I can't wait to meet y'all and share some great adventures!!

Welcome New Trip Leader - ALEXA

Hi teen travel-bugs!!

My name is Alexa and I was born and raised in New York City. Right now, I’m studying Environmental Design at the University at Buffalo, and a trip leader at our Outdoor Adventure Club. I’m a huge travel nerd, having been to Nicaragua, Israel, Hungary, England, and many other countries. I’ve also hiked the entirety of the Appalachian Trail, and am really excited to unite with adventurers, hikers, and travelers. I love writing poetry, acting silly, and hiking. I’ve also been known to kill a Sim or two, read through the entire Game of Thrones series, and obsess over watercolors. I'm really good at throwing grapes in the air and catching them in my mouth. I love adventuring because everything is constantly new; whether everything whisks by so fast you can’t think twice about it, or you sleep somewhere new every night, every moment presents an opportunity for freedom and adventure. I can’t wait to hear everyone’s stories and see where the road takes us!