Hello There! My name is Greg Kass and I attend the University of
Vermont where I am studying to be a nurse. I plan to work as a nurse
in an emergency room, in an ICU, or off a helicopter responding to
emergencies. I enjoy running marathons, racing triathlons, as well
as study Bikram and Hatha Yoga. Road biking is a huge passion of
mine. I raced road bikes when I was younger but now use it as a
release. I believe that seeing a new (or even familiar place) on two
wheels really gives you a new perspective on yourself as well as that
place. I’m super pumped about leading trips for Teen Treks this
summer and meeting all of YOU! I also like unrealistic setups that
end in cheesy puns… Did you hear about the vampire bicycle that went
around biting people’s arms off? …It was a vicious cycle! See you on
the road this summer!