Teen Treks welcomes another new leader--Anson Biller!
Hello out there! My name is Anson Biller, a native of Eastern Massachusetts, growing up about a ten minute drive from Walden Pond. Currently, however, I am in Ithaca, NY where I am tenting out at an ecovillage to follow through on a research grant, and playing guitar in the county's roots music scene [contra, old time, bluegrass]. I studied alternative education through NYU's Gallatin School of Individualized Study, and am planning to become an elementary school teacher. I have a great interest in gardening and the outdoors. In particular, I am interested in designing a sustainable gardening program for students.
I have been fortunate to travel quite a bit - to Mexico, Brazil, the Czech Republic, and a swath of Western Europe, to name a few - and spent last summer bicycling with a friend from Boston, MA to San Francisco, CA. Our next tour together, one we're actually planning with a cyclist we met on the road, is to cycle down to Argentina and back. I am an Eagle Scout and frequent backpacker, and intend to bring this knowledge to the trip(s) I lead this summer.
I am looking forward to being a Teen Trek leader. Touring, in my opinion, is one of the best ways to travel, and better still when you do it with great people. This summer promises to be quite an adventure for us, and I'm excited to get out on the road.