Teen Treks' 2013 season has flown by, and as summer turns to fall, the office is winding down for the season. It has been a blast! From the beaches of Cape Cod, to the islands of British Columbia, and the streets of Paris, our Trekkers have been lucky enough to see some fascinating parts of the globe.
Cliff and Alexa enjoyed meeting Trekkers and families in Buffalo, New York City, Block Island, Massachusetts, and Connecticut; it was wonderful to see groups working hard and enjoying themselves.
Our Leaders were tireless, working to climb hills in South Dakota, to fix flats in pouring rain, and round up Trekkers who missed a drop. We thank all of our Leaders for their hard work and dedication.
Most of all, we are happy for all of the Trekkers who decided to do something out of the ordinary this summer by hopping on a bike for weeks at a time, often to new places with new people (who turned into close friends). From town to town, country to country, our Trekkers have grown as young people and bikers, all while traveling hundreds of miles and having fun.
Teen Treks would like to thank all of the teens and families for participating in our bike trips. Everyone has helped to make 2013 another exciting season of cycling. We hope that you join us again next season for more new cities, beaches, hills, food, and friends.
Thank you for choosing Teen Treks, and have a great year.
See you in 2014, where adventure awaits!
Some European Phantomers |
Maine Coast |
Pacific Northwest |
Niagara-Toronto |
Across America |
New England Shore |
California Coast |
Some European Phantomers |
New York-Montreal |
Lake Ontario |
New York-Montreal |