Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Maine Coast Trekkers Arrive in Portland for 2 Luxurious Hotel Nights

As the Teen Trek team awoke to the damp atmosphere and soggy ground of the campsite resulting from the rainstorm the previous day, the angelic sound of Max's guitar prepared each and every teen for a fantastic ride up to Portland, ME. Unlike most of the previous rides this one was particularly flat and easy-going which proved beneficial as the group had to make up some mileage due to the delays from the prior storm. They kept up a fantastic pace through the morning leaving approximately 25 miles behind them before even stopping for lunch. In the afternoon, however, the ride switched to a more scenic, mellow paced ride through a shady bike path decorated with a group selfie in the middle of the road. As the group approached the end of the ride they conquered their difficulties riding into a strong headwind as they finally arrived to the final destination of Portland. The sound of the rapping frog mascot as they arrived at the hotel signified the victorious and relieved feeling of the group as they finally had access to showers and yes...even laundry.
Written by Trekker Ryan